When we last left Jamie and Will's house, Jamie was shaped like a beach ball, and Will had just made his LTW of 20 best friends. Now that these two social butterflies could relax a bit, Will's finally realized that his fiance is great with child.
How's my big slugger today? hmmm - any kicking?
Your slugger's momma is about to burst!~ And I'm fighting off the urge to go reorganize my closets into "Tents" and "Non-tents".
Ah, sugar, you look great! You're ... well uhm... you're glowing!
And no sooner had Will started down the block than a piercing scream made him turn around and double time it back to the house. Jamie managed to remember her breathing exercises from Lamaze class and it was all over so quickly. Will stuck his nose in the front door just as Jamie was getting the baby cleaned up.
Hey Daddy - come over here & meet your new son! I think he's got your eyes!
Oh my gosh - but he's bald! Are babies supposed to be bald? Oh - the kids at school are going to make fun of him for that!
Silly - lots of babies are born with no hair! Give it a few months, I'm sure he'll grow something up there.
And the baby didn't slow them at all, most of their friends loved to come to snuggle on the newest member of the family. And with Jamie's cooking, their table was always full.
So Remington, I heard there was another break in last week - that wasn't your house, was it?
No, he tried getting into DW's house & it was that Russ Bear character, up to his usual tricks again. Nothing was taken, but DW and Harold are understandably upset. Personally I think there are larger figures behind the growing crime around here. I don't think The Bear is acting alone. He got out of jail too quickly last time.
Well, I think our current administration isn't paying enough attention to law enforcement. There's been a lot of good people leave the service and they're not being replaced. What do you think Will? You're down at City Hall every day.
Honestly, they're really more focused on developing the Down Town & commercial areas. That's one of the reasons I'm looking at throwing my hat in for a position as a judge. I'm hoping to be able to impose some stiffer penalties on the stream of career criminals that they have managed to catch. Maybe I can make a difference by putting a stop to the revolving door on the city jails.
And it wasn't long before little Abe was celebrating his first birthday, with a very proud mom & dad helping with the spin.
So while Will was busy chasing his political dreams, Jamie stayed home and concentrated on teaching Abe the basics of life. And Abe was a very able student. He's an Aquarius with stats of 4, 4, 5, 6, 8.
But Will wasn't one to shirk his daddy duties either. He spent a lot of time with his son when he was at home. And who wouldn't want to be cuddled by Will? Anyone? Anyone?
Jamie wasn't sitting around watching soap operas all day. She had found a new hobby & was playing with a Flower Arranging kit that she'd bought. She was actually very good at it & toyed with the idea of some day opening her own shop.
And always there were more dinner parties...
Congratulations on making Judge Will, I really think the community will start noticing a difference soon.
And we really appreciate your support with Will's political career! It's amazing how the people have rallied behind his "Kicking the Butt outa Crime" Campaign.
Have you had any backlash since the election? You two are very public figures, you should probably think about getting some kind of security.
Oh, we have a good alarm system & I'm not really worried. You guys should come around tomorrow - it's Abe's birthday & we're having a few friends over for burgers & cake.
You would think my sims have no clothes. The grownups are always in their underwear or bathing suits and the poor kids spend half their life in pajamas! I swear - I really do have closets & clothes in all of these houses! anyway...
Make a wish Abe!
Daddy, Daddy!! I wished for a little brother & I got the Alien pj's! Does that mean that you're going to be the next one abducted by aliens??
*gulps* D'uh... that's not real.... is it? James - hon, that's not really possible, is it??
Don't be silly, honey. Of course that's not possible. If you get a little brother, Abe, we'll build him the old-fashioned way! Now, go change out of those pj's - it's the middle of the day for Pete's sake!
Ah.... but Jamie & Will were very public figures in the community & Will's tough stance on criminals had certainly not gone unnoticed. They hadn't taken any of the threatening letters seriously until one night, several weeks later, when their alarm woke them suddenly.
Fortunately Officer Burke was on patrol in the neighborhood & managed to respond before The Bear even made it into the house.
Jamie rushed down to witness the intruder's capture & Will dashed up to Abe's room, to make sure their son was safe.
Kick 'em in the butt! Pound his brains in!! Let me at him - I'll tear him up with my bare hands!
Ms. Jamison, really - back away & let me handle this please! I'll have the perp in custody much faster that way.
And little Abe was none the worse for wear. He seemed to sleep through the whole thing.
But I wasn't asleep. I was faking, so daddy wouldn't worry. And I'm trading in my wish - I don't wish for a new baby any more. I just want to see the ghost of Russ Bear. grrrr My daddy's gonna lock him in the hoosgow! And I hope they string him up!
Abe?! What do you think this is? Texas?
We'd better leave Jamie & Will to sort out their security issues & move on down the street. What could go wrong with Janell & Ed? She's just learned that she's expecting a bump & Ed's working on hitting the top of another career.
Hon, I know these promotions are really helping out right now, but I'm not sure I'm in the right field. I like being a Natural Scientist, but I don't feel like I'm making a difference. I really want to help the community more.
Ed, we've talked about this. An Ecological Guru will be a big help to the community, you'll be making sure this country stays green for future generations. And once you reach that level, just think about the extra time you'll be able to spend with your family.
Yes, My Family. That sounds so great when you say that. *wmuah* I gotta run - have a great day Hon.
Janell really enjoyed her maternity leave. Her job as an artist was rewarding, but she knew that the paint fumes weren't good for the baby. And she spent some of her extra time studying. She was determined to learn everything she could about the world so she could pass her knowledge along to her children.
Gah - don't look at me! I'm like a beached whale! And if someone named Ahab comes around, don't tell him where I am!
Ah, honey. You're the most beautiful beached whale ever! I love that our family is growing right before my eyes. Where's the cocoa butter, it's about time for a rub down, isn't it? *wink, wink*
Oh NO! Not now - Ed's not home & I.. iiiiiiiiiIi...Eiyee I!! I don't wanna do this any more!
Awww, but look at you! Perfect little fingers & toes and daddy's eyes. We've got to call him at work - he's going to want to see you right away!
Hon - you did so great - I'm just sorry I wasn't here for you. And she is perfect, she fell sleep on my chest and she smells wonderful. I think I like fresh baby smell. And I love you.
I love you too babe. What do you think about her name? I've been calling her Arcadia and I think she likes it. And I love the way it sounds.
That's a perfect name for my perfect little girl.
And I hate to bring it up again, but I'm really not suited for being a Guru. Have you seen the uniform? I can get down to my skivvies, but I just can't fly about in public wearing a fig leaf.
Besides, the force really needs help right now - you know they called and asked me to come back. I'd feel better if I was doing something to help Simtoria stay safe, and maybe not so green. Even if they make me work a desk job at first, at least it would be something.
Yes Arcadia, I know - I worry about daddy too. But it's important for him to be a policeman right now. And he's helping to keep us all safe. Don't fuss - he'll be home tonight for your birthday.
Wheeee! Hiya daddy!! Watch my sparklies!
And Arcadia grew into a beautiful little girl in what seemed like the wink of an eye.
Arcadia is a Leo *rawr* with stats of 5, 9, 4, 6, 5. Very close to a future nudie-in-the-hot tub there!
Janell had indeed maxed out her skills and Ed was working his way back up the Law Enforcement career.
How's my big girl? Can you give daddy a high five? That's right!
Daddy weed!! Daddy weed Cindawella agin??
Alright punkin, where's your Cinderella book? Let's see what happens this time...
And we'll leave those two to find her book (psst - Ed - I think she was chewing on it over by the couch)
When we last saw Katie, she was a Ecological Guru & about to have her 2nd child, Howard was a platinum Chief of Staff, and little Marcia had mastered all of her toddler skills & about worn out her Wobbly Wabbit.
And since Katie wants to see at least 6 of her children married off, her next few years flew by with lots of birthdays & lots of bumps.
As you can see, Howard was adamant about getting Marcia into private school immediately. She didn't think the homework was so great, but she did love her new uniform.
Marcia's a Libra - stats of 3, 7, 3, 6, 9
And before anyone could say epidural, Kate had delivered her second baby, this time it was a boy, named Gregory.
Oh My God!! Its' a baby?!!
You're so surprised! You were expecting maybe a pumpkin?
Enough outa you!! I don't see you spinning out a new kid every few days.
True 'nuff - and we can all thank our lucky stars for that!
Before Howard could even catch his breath from changing all the diapers, it was time for his first born son to celebrate a birthday. What a proud dad -
and evidently he found something he's very good at! Yes, Kate's working on #3 there! No wonder she's always in her underwear.
Can Greggie say "Momma"?
Yes - you have a Bear. But you have a momma too. Say "Momma"....
Momma!! Mommmmmaaa! I got an A+! Cheer for me - now I'm the smartest kid on this bus!
Howard - Argh - come here! And you'd better be home this time! Don't just stand there - do something!
All I'm trained to do is encourage you to breath! And not faint - not fainting is very important for us dads! (girl or boy.... girl or boy.... I think another little...
Sweetie, she's a she! It's a girl! Where's the list of girls names again? Right! On the fridge - I'll get it...
I already know - her name is Laurie. Doesn't she just look like a Laurie?
She's beautiful - and she looks just like her beautiful momma! Look - she's got your blue eyes!
Howard? Whatcha doing up here eating by yourself? Surely there's still enough room for you down at the dining room table.
Well, yes. But have you seen those kids eat?! I mean - that's just gross!
Well, maybe you could encourage your eldest daughter to be a little neater, hmmm?
I guess I can't blame you for losing your appetite there.
Besides, why aren't you asking me if I want to join the police force and help out the community?
Kate would never let you join the force Howard, it's too dangerous. Besides, someone of your .. uh mental capabilites could maybe better serve the community in a scientific field.
Great. Just because I don't have a Bodybuilder tank, everyone thinks I'm a wimp. Pah!
Let's head next door to the Ice Princess, I mean Maja & see what she's up to ...
Maja, you've done it again. I warned you guys about this...
Don't look at me - it's Robi's fault! He's the one that that can't keep his hands off me!
Well, we wanted a big family, didn't we?
No - we wanted a big bank account. I guess they could get jobs once they're old enough, right?
Maja, our kids won't have to work, we've got a huge house & everything we need right here. They can work if they want to, and their grades are good enough. As it is, I'm thinking about quitting my gig down at the lab, it's really cutting into my telescope time.
Wh.. wh... WHAT?!
Now, now - calm down! I won't quit until I find something else to do, but I don't like working in the middle of the night & leaving you and the boys at home alone. I worry about you.
Boys?? Now, don't go jumping to any conclusions, this one might be a girl. And I think we're going to find out.
Yes! A boy! I knew it - way to go babe!! We make the best looking boys in town!
Showoff. What did we say for a boy? That's right - Kip, after your great grandfather.
And just because there was a new baby in the house, don't think for one minute that Mark was ignored. While he usually prefered to be left alone with his toys, little Mark was indeed growing up quickly, as boys do.
Did you hear something? It sounded like someone was out front....
I didn't hear anything - jeez Auk, you're a little jumpy. Hey - Mark?! Come & help Kip blow out the candles!
And at the same time just down the hall, Mark was growing up too. He was so excited, he almost forgot to get some cake.
And the first thing he did was go try out some of his dad's machines that he'd never been allowed to touch before. His dad had the coolest stuff tucked away upstairs!
That's right! C'mon Kip, come to daddy. And as soon as you can walk, we'll go get that hair fixed up.
Ahhh, the only peace I have any more is at my easel.
Maja, if you're going to walk around the house in your underwear, you can't really blame Robi if you start with the bumps again now, can you?!
Shhh, don't tell him, but I really want a little girl. So maybe... just one more try, ok?
I know just how you feel, there's a lot of boys going around here. When we last saw Marcie, she'd just had a little boy & the days flew by so quickly that before George or Marcie knew it, Schroeder was no longer a baby.
And didn't he spin into the cutest little tyke? And a petite, button nose to boot! Not a hint of George in that department (yet!)
Donnd mind me... jusda hungwy boy herwa!
Your momma's on the way child - chew on your mittens for a sec!
And George is working towards another landmark career - Hall of Famer. Now that he was a father & a public figure he thought it was finally time for a haircut. He'd been sporting those ratty curls for too long.
Well, yeah! The players have to look up to me, ya know? I can't be looking like a kid in a coffeshop any more. And I'm a dad now too. But have you seen Alon? He's supposed to be meeting me here after work today. Oh - I bet that's him walking up now. Hey Alon!
Hey George - how's it going?
Good - what's up? You said you'd heard about a new deal going around.
Yeah, its super easy & you can clean up if you've got the skills for it. There's a new company just outside the city limits that is looking for piece work. They'll send you the equipment you need and all the parts & you just assemble their toys. Then they buy the finished product back from you. I'm telling you, it's a sweet deal, I wish they'd been around when I was in college!
It sounds too good to be true. But toys?? You mean I should sew teddy bears? Or put heads on dollies?
No man! Cutting edge - this is a robot company, everything's remote controlled these days, ya' know? You could probably pocket $100 an hour once you're good at it.
Well, excellent! Do you have the number, how do I get started with this deal?
And George did get set up with a new robot making toolshop, and enough spare parts to keep him busy for a month or more. And he barely stepped away from the bench until he was ready to drop into bed.
Marcie doted on her little boy, helping him learn everything he needed to know, and George did come in long enough to help Schroeder take his first steps. And Marcie still painted every chance she could, her artwork was selling very well, an she was considering not going back to work at all.
What with George spending so much time in the workshop, and Marcie painting, there was really no time for a big birthday party. So they celebrated quietly at home and watched as their baby turned into a big boy before their eyes.
I wish I don't get daddy's nose, I wish I don't get daddy's nose!!
Me too kid, me too! (but doesn't he look just like Marcie? I swear there's no George there at all)
Congrats, kid! You did it! A perfect spin!
Now can I make a friend? Or buy a toy? Or maybe new jammies, I don't like the duck.
OY! Everyone in this house wants to buy something?!
And George - you're at it again?? You've been out there all night! I thought we had an agreement - daylight hours you can spend in the workshop, but the night time is for the telescope!
I don't earn anything at the telescope, and you don't really believe those alien abduction stories are true, do you? Puh-lease! oh - watch this - it's my favorite part!
TADA!! Bingo - and yours truly just made another $100 dollars! Yes!
Enjoy it while you can, bud. As soon as you hit that $100k mark, your butt is all mine!
See George did come in for meals. But what on earth could Marcie be talking about that would cause that kind of face on her sweet fortune-hunting George?
Join us next time & we'll find out what Marcie's talking about...
And if Maja gets her little girl,
If Kate will ever stop having babies,
If Ed can make Captain Hero again
Or if Will's been able to over-throw the current administration and bring peace & a sense of security back to our our little burg.
Thanks for coming along to visit!