As our program participants are about halfway through their adult lives, I'd thought I'd take you all on a bit of a tour through the neighborhood to show off their houses. And play a little game that I like to call "Did she save that??"
Nothing fancy here mind you, but still a good bit better than the lawn living they started with.
(Disclaimer: These are not professionally landscaped, nor decorated. These folks are still fairly poor and concentrating on raising families - not providing me with great quantities of Simoleans to spruce up their livingrooms. My humblest apologies to any award-winning decorators out there - and you know who you are!)
Right then. First stop on the tour is Auk's farm house. She's a family sim & this place was designed to hold lots of kids.
The open floor plan leaves lots of room for pillow fights and kicky bag games, with the children's rooms upstairs still yet to be finished. For now, let's just say it's storing a lot of the strange gadgets that daddy's been earning at work.
Bean's house is still operating on the first floor only, but they have plans for several bedrooms and bathrooms to be added upstairs also. And yes, of course it's green!
They've just finished work on a new swimming pool, as Ramin loves to swim a few laps every evening to stay in shape.
Um, Ramin, you really should be using the buddy system there - I don't think it's a good idea to be swimming by yourself this late at night.
Particularly after a big spaghetti dinner....
C'mon Ramin - stop goofing around. Shoot - now, did I save that??? *checks notes* Surely nobody spun a want to see a ghost??? oh. Ramin did. Darn!
Moving right along... *ahem*. Birgitte's house started out all pink, she does look good in pink. But the builders convinced her to go with more of a soft peach color. She was good with that, so long as the palm tree stayed.
Thank goodness Jason remembered to trim the hedges before he went to work this morning. He must have known we were coming by.
Now Carl's house is all on one level. He & Nicole had never planned on a large family and they're looking forward to storing those cribs as soon as the boys start climbing out of them. Which should be any day now.
He & Nicole do enjoy the quiet corner of their masterbedrooom, far from the noise of the Wabbit heads that seem to play endlessly in the twin's room.
CeeCee's house is a little old-fashioned, but she & Alon prefer it that way. She too is a family sim, and they recently welcomed a new little girl into their lives. Little Gillian has taken over the nursery
And some new stairs were built, so her big brother can move up to a big-boy bedroom of his own on the second floor.
Alon? I don't think that's good place for that new piano. Alon - don't be messing around like that - don't you know how dangerous it is to play the piano so close to a wood-burning fire?? You've got a growing family to think of!
Dawn's house is very much like Dawn, petite and fun! Her husband Dwight has recently been, well... for lack of a better term, taking a short leave of absence.
So, since Dwight's not working, they've decided to keep the house simple. This leaves him much more time to watch the heavens for some trace of the aliens he believes are coming for him.
Oh!! Dwight! That's going to leave a mark! And I don't think that's an alien.
I do hope little Belle didn't see that.
Deb choose more of a classic style, not knowing at the time that her brother - in - law would be moving in. But there's plenty of room for extra campers upstairs now.
Good thing those stairs got finished! Or someone *sharply eyes the BIL* would be sleeping on the couch still.
DW and Harold just want a lot of room for their skill-building toys. I think DW must have been influenced by a dark mood earlier in life. Or else the Countessa picked the shingles before she took off.
Again, the second floor is planned to hold additional bedrooms and a bathroom or two, but for now, their daughter Salena is quite happy to have the big upstairs room to herself.
This is Hel & Remington's litte house. Their twins have just started school, and daddy's moved thier new beds upstairs also.
So for now, that back nursery is empty. For now.
I think Hel's favorite color must be blue. There's an awful lot of blue around here.
And this is Ivy & Russell's House of Red. What else for the family of red-heads?
The downstairs is designed primarily for entertaining, as they do love to throw large parties. (pssssst - Ivy? You knew we were coming - you couldn't make the bed??)
Their daughter Rosie has recently moved upstairs to a room of her own. And Russell tries to not make candy late into the night, as that machine is rather noisy.
This is the house of Jamie & Will. Will is currently Mayor, a position that brought Jamie her original platinum spike. Speaking of spikes, dontcha' just hate when CC windows spike through the roof?!
The original plans called for a diagonal staircase from the main entry way. However, no one's been able to use this, so it may have to be replaced once they need to get upstairs. (Diagonal stairs?? Anyone know if that works??)
Now this is Janell & Edwin's house - notice the covered porch. Somebody *smiles sheepishly* recently learned how to do a covered porch, so we've got a lot of these in the neighborhood.
Ed is a family sim, and has plans for a large family. Janell's flexible with that, as it leaves her plenty of time to max her skills and work on that novel she's close to finishing.
Unfortunately Ed's taken to talking to the LiteBright Reindeer lately.
Buddy, you'd better hope I didn't save this one - you're in bad shape. I'd tell you to hit the showers, but I don't think you'd make it in the front door!
This is Kate & Howards' house. You can see they've recently gotten a new LiteBright Reindeer too, there must have been a salesman come through the hood recently.
Now Kate has a dream of seeing 6 children married off. So yes, there's got to be a big upstairs, with lots of room to grow.
And lots of toys to play with. You know, Howard really digs on that Hello Kitty table & chairs & will usually carry his plate up here & eat by himself.
Howard?? Didn't you just hear me?? She wants 6 kids! Don't be wandering around any hallways o'trash - you've still got a lot of work to do around here!! (Note to self, we're going to need a lot more trash, we never did get a decent collection of flies)
This is Maja & Robi's house. Maja likes it cold, so she's declared a permanent state of winter for her house. Hopefully, somebody will pick up a new ep next weekend that will make her dream a reality. *adds Seasons to Target shopping list*
Robi?? Do you have to do that now? You know, we're doing a bit of a tour here, and well - just light a candle when you're done, alright?
We've come to the house of Marcie & George - both of them being Fortune sims. They want their house big, and they don't care who knows it.
So long as they have His & Hers easels, they really don't mind where their kids sleep.
Aha, this is Robert's bachelor pad. Yes, Robert is still living alone, but that may change fairly quickly here.
You'll notice that his hot tub has it's own room. *nods* That may very well need to be wallpapered in pastels soon. And the hot tub traded out for a crib.
Awww, buck up, big guy! Surely it wasn't that bad! Just think of the points! Hhmmm, are you hungry for cheesecake??
This is SuziCat & Big Joes' house. They've recently added children to their family as well, so the nursery is being tested out.
Dagnabbit SuziCat!! Are you going to call the plumber, or should I tell Joe to pick up a plunger on the way home today??
Here's Suzie's little abode. As a single mom, money is tight, and she really doesn't want a huge house anyways.
Her son, Jerry, has recently started school, so he's moved out of the nursery and is turning the spare room into his own. Suzie still hasn't decided if she's ever going to find someone to share that masterbedroom with.
And finally, we come to Theresa & Louis' house. Being knowledge sims, they really don't care what their house looks like, so long as they can gain a new skill. But we all know how Theresa loves the flamingos. And they asked nicely, so I gave them a pond.
That's a nursery in blue there, I wonder if she's hoping for a boy soon....
And look at that - Louis has brought home a new piano to add to their music room.
(don't those fireplaces come with a warning label??)
What's wrong Louis? Did you forget to install a smoke detector in the music room? You'd better dance a little faster than that!
Yes, I'm sure it does sting. Too bad Theresa's sleeping, she'd be able to put that out.
What's that? I dunno what she's up to... yes, I've been out here all night - first one house and then the next. Is there a new funeral director in town that's maybe trying to drum up business?? Huh? Don't ask me, I don't know if she hit the save button on this one or not.
So - I guess that's the neighborhood. Thanks for coming along, and I hope I didn't save the wrong lot at just the wrong time or there could be fewer sims the next time we come around here!
(Simmer's note - I'm still working on the Death by Flies, I'll let you know how that goes.)