
Mugsy has passed and Life Update

Jan 31, 2023 19:49

I hate that this is my latest journal but this is just to prevent the people who don't know from making some social slips and asking us about Mugsy.

January 3rd we took him to the vet where he passed away.  His lymphoma had run wild and he was in pain.

In the past six months Fox had to say goodbye to her cat Tigger, my friend Rae lost her cat Julie, another friend lost his cat of twenty years, another lost his cat of ten, and Fox almost lost her OTHER cat Luna due to sudden diabetes onset and a stomach infection but after a lot of praying and a lot of money she is home and healing, so at least one soldier survived the past six months.

We have a new kitten named Biscuit but you don't replace pets.  We had an empty place in our home and offered it to someone who needed love.  We still deeply miss Mugsy.

Life goes on.

Would you like to see the comics I'm working on?  There's two, actually.  Firstly the most recent one is a little thing called Glory which was the brainchild of me, Fox, and my friend Vex.  The first page is here and the navigation is pretty easy to figure out.

And there's the bigger one at

I do the toning and shading for Glory, and I script both comics.  I've developed arthritis in my thumb so I can't draw as much as I used to, but I get enough done and I'm using this as an opportunity to improve my digital work.

Surprising thing over the past year are the friends I've made.  I spend my evenings on a voice acting discord server and I'm learning fun things.  I'm also making friends with The Groundlings who are the comedy group that Warner Brothers got writers for Tiny Toons, Animaniacs, and Freakazoid from.  Weird part was realizing the lead writer for the new God of War and I kind of randomly became friends.  I'm developing a reputation as someone who isn't making friends to clout chase but because they want to learn and improve and swap ideas.

What's important is that I am making a survivable income writing comics, which is something everyone said I could never do.  And people that were childhood heroes are now adult friends.  They say never meet your heroes but I guess I picked some good ones.
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