

Apr 21, 2020 21:42

One day after getting my allowance I went to the grocery store and bought a carnation for my mother for a dollar.  I brought it home and offered it to her, quietly beaming at the fact that I had done something nice for her and it would make her happy.
She looked at it, looked at me, and screamed about how some hippy religious person had given it to me and I was not to take anything from them.  I attempted to explain that nobody had given it to me.  I had bought it for her.  She snarled at me, still angry and I think she threw the flower away despite my insistence that I had gotten it from the grocer with my own money for her.  She never apologized, and I never brought up the incident again.
But I never forgot.  Despite it all, it was an important lesson.  I learned that day that my mother would never admit to any of her mistakes.  34 years later and I still remember that lesson she taught me.
Sometimes, even if a parent does not realize they are teaching their children important lessons. they are actually teaching them the most important lessons of all.
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