
Kitten update

Dec 02, 2012 12:32

We did not adopt the kitten I had mentioned a couple of entries ago. He kept coming in underweight and his adoption kept getting delayed. Thankfully as he was a cute and affectionate kitten he WOULD find a home, but we were tired of waiting.

So last Sunday we went to another ASPCA and looked around. There was one cat we instantly nicknamed Nyazilla after the character in What's Michael. He was a Siamese mix that was 30lbs if he was an ounce, and it was not all fat either, the guy was the size of a corgi if not a little bigger. BUT... that was not the cat we adopted.

I wanted a younger cat because Joy is very maternal and I knew she would take to a kitten easily. After looking at candidates at a few shelters we settled on a black tabby that was about two months old. I was told I could pick him up the next day after signing some papers and after he got his obligatory neutering surgery.

While we were there we saw someone walking around in THIS SHIRT (NSFW), stay classy, furries. Stay classy.

In the meantime we prepped the bathroom with food and water bowls, a bed, toys, and a kitten sized litter box.

The next day I drove back with a soft carrier. As I waited my turn to finish my paperwork and pay, there were a couple of people in front of me who adopted Nyazilla! I thought it was kind of funny that these two tiny people were adopting a cat that could probably bowl them over or crush them with a little bit of effort, but I was happy that he was going to a nice home.

And after more paperwork, $85, and some basic instructions I had a kitten in a carrier and drive home. I was told that he was only half an ounce over the required adoption weight of two pounds, but at least he was the correct weight. He also unfortunately had to wear the Cone of Shame on account of his surgery site.

He did NOT like the drive and cried the whole way. I let him out a little and he started climbing all over me, and since I was attempting to drive I had to stuff him back into the carrier.

Upon arriving home he noticed the food and dove into it. I give my cats a raw food diet that I commercially buy, which was the Most Awesome Thing for him. The food comes in little one ounce discs that you thaw out and either feed whole or tear into chunks (for him I broke it into kitten sized chunks). I went raw food after Feep got diabetes. I've decided that if I can do something to prevent that in future cats I sure as heck will. Anyway, so I suspect after he discovered the food he was more than half an ounce over the required weight.

Now, then there was the matter of what Joy thought of him.

When introduced there was a lot of growling and hissing. Nothing overtly aggressive, just "I'm not comfortable with you" behavior. I showered Joy with attention and treats and was very careful about scolding her. I wanted kitten = good in her mind.

It has been a week since then

Lots of play chasing and play fighting. LOTS of grooming. I'm serious when I say Joy is a maternal cat and has all but adopted the kitten as her own. She follows him around and minds him. She sleeps with him cuddled up with her. And she plays with him very gently. I couldn't have asked for a better situation.
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