Still rain. :)

Dec 06, 2011 21:32

What up all? I am really enjoying getting to use LJ whenever I like again. :) I'm finding new comms and making new friends who hopefully might read my blog. :P

It's still raining here, not bucketing down but it's just nice. I get to have a little while off for my birthday in the next week so I'm heaps exited. I bought a new music CD last week and it arrived today, Wounded Rhymes by Lykke Li. Really cool beats to bellydance to. ;) Tomorrow I'm going to the gym as I haven't been in over a week. I would like to start doing a bit more exercise independently of the gym, especially if I decide I need to save money on it in the future. It's sometimes a waste now, seeing as I don't always go, I seem to go through phases where I go heaps and then get slack. Not that I am binge exercising or anything. Also, my recent weight loss was mostly diet related.

Chat to you all laters. :)
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