Some Sexual Differences Between Men and Women -

Jan 01, 2018 11:17

On teenage masturbation:

Me: "How would your teenage years of have been different if you had a nearly mess-free endless joy buzzer?"
(I inquired after my fourth orgasm of the session)

Sailor: ".............. I wouldn't have built my boat."

Me: *matter-of-factly* "I did not build a boat."


On TV/movie plots/storylines:

You know that story line where a boy/man takes a fancy to a girl/woman (or takes her as a lover) and immediately decides he owns her and the arc is about his jealousy, (often including episodes of stalking, snooping, and threats/intimidation) and they until they have a giant (physical) fight and she either promises to forfeit her other lovers, (bowled over by his passionate nature) or she refuses his demand (not bowled over by his passionate nature) and he walks out of her door forever (perhaps after a last lay), unable to cope ?

And.... you know how that is an UNUSUALLY elevated love/sexy story line, compared to the 'usual'?

Whenever I see those storylines unfold, I am always excited because it really IS an unusually elevated story about female sexuality (until the end) and then I suffer the general let-down as the plot goes through its usual arc, and female autonomy vs male jealousy plays out and his jealousy is clearly *just* as important as her autonomy. As she struggles to prove she is her OWN person, her OWN body, and his jealousy has no power over her, it all falls apart because few writers are willing (know how?) to commit to female autonomy AND do away with male jealousy writing a new male/female arc.

As a female, watching these story arcs is painful; specifically seeing *male jealousy* as defensible and respectable, and female sexual autonomy peppered with slurs and abuse out of "love". And yet this is also one of the *empowering* sex arcs portrayed between men and women because at least the woman spends *some* time acting in her own self-interest, and has a chance to argue for it.



On parking garages:

Sailor: "This looks like a good spot." *pulls in*

Me: "Hmmm,.... you picked the only spot that is surrounded with concrete walls, with no obvious cameras, no security lights, no line-of-sight to the mall entrance, and at the furthest corner of the garage."

Sailor: "Yeah, it's next to the main support pillar! If there is an earthquake, our car will be perfectly safe! See? This space is protected on three sides! Check out that cross-beam!"

Me: "My love,..... I don't know if it is because you are a man, or because you are in engineer (but I expect it is both)... you think VERY DIFFERENTLY from me when choosing a parking spot."

sailor, sex

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