That was the sign I proposed to take to the Women's March.
But, I'm not really a sign-maker.
However, Sailor's favorite sign was:
My life has been a near-complete media blackout
for about 9 months.
Once I took the step to rid myself of Bookface,
the rest of the façade came crumbling down
and I simply gave all my fucks away
until I had no fucks left to give.
Thoughtful reasoning is not the political seasoning America is known for.
But, in the words of Kurt Vonnegut, "So it goes."
Also, "Here we are, trapped in the amber of the moment. There is no why."
Also, "True terror is to wake up one morning and discover that [a reality TV star and slumlord] is running the country."
I might of edited that last one, a bit.
Feel free to look up the original version, it is ALMOST as scary.
Can I comment on something?
One of those things that just makes me go,
Variety did... kinda when they mentioned, without commentary
that Tronald Drumpf choose to walk for only a couple minutes
along ONLY the frontage of his D.C. hotel.
Yep, that's right folks.
I only know about it because at work,
we have a cafe,
and in that cafe they were tuned to the inauguration, live.
And so.. while waiting for my lunchtime snack
I watched, in horror...
as He Who Shall Not Be Named was driven under presidential honors
and he stopped to walk for A COUPLE minutes.
Not a few, folks. A COUPLE.
They walked for about 80 feet.
They walked THE FRONTAGE of his damned hotel,
then got back in their limo.
One of the NBC reports commented on Littlest Trump
walking & waving,
"Look at Baron, he already knows what to do.
Look at him waving."
O, lordy.
But, you know what?
So, what!
The Women's March outstripped the inauguration
by a long stretch.
Millions attending in America? Millions more worldwide?
All those pink pussyhats?
Melania Trump deciding that her No. 1 priority as First Lady
is to combat "cyber bullying"
when she is married to a cyber bully?
Donny has debts to all those tainted American dreams
where you date supermodels AND cheat on them
without ANYONE'S consent!
The cars, the houses, the famous name.
Talking about themselves in the third person.
The slick-as-shit consummate salesman who always remembers
to plug their products, and never take "no" for an answer
The ease of having a rich daddy fund your start-up,
while claiming you made it ALL on your own
and all you have to do is sue whoever refutes you,
because money DOES EQUAL justice.
America LIKES beautiful,
but are we.... beautiful?
Isn't he the blighted epitome of the 'Ugly American'?
By the way, I didn't know the 'cyber bullying' thing
until I went to the new website
and clicked on the first ladies page
where The White House
introduced me to her modeling portfolio.
She did a spread (no comment)
for Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition.No shit?
TrumbleDump is possibly the most *vivid*
caricature of America that has ever been published,
let alone personified!
Rude. Crass. Narcissistic. Self-involved.
Aggressive. Loud. Literal. Antagonistic.
Has difficulty telling fact from fiction.
Phenomenally [hand gesture] rich
and phenomenally poor [hand gesture]
at the same time!
Thinks "ugly" women are nasty and worthless.
Thinks any attention, is *good* attention.
Functionally illiterateDoesn't know how a nice suit is *supposed* to look.
Believes tanning and/or self-tanner makes you look healthy.
Believes comb-overs "work".
Believes human-driven climate change is "debatable".
Believes "greed is good" and that money IS success;
that success denotes that you are:
smart, clever, honest, hardworking, or worthy.
Honestly, America likely *deserves* dating itself
by Presidential proxy,
just to see what It is LIKE!
Is it just me or do all the pictures of Littlest Trump
look like he's staring off into the distance,
or with downcast eyes that say,
"..... I'm just so lonely.... all the time...."
But, so it goes!
So. It. Goes.
One thing is for sure... before I leave the TrumpTromping
I want to point out something that I don't hear much about.
I am ALWAYS about the silver-lining, folks.
I am GREAT at silver-linings.
Phenomenal at them.
Ya know? Silver-linings.
It may not SEEM like it, but Drumpf DOES have a sense of humor.
And I have PROOF. It might be proof from 1990,
BUT IT IS PROOF. If you are not tempted by the above link?
I URGE YOU... to be tempted.
You might have nightmares...
(I'm sorry)
... but it's worth it.
Like... REALLY REALLY worth it.
Anyways, The Women's March was *sorta* awesome.
Firstly, I want to point out the group I was with was:
1 woman and 4 men.
The ballroom was filled to capacity with 5,000 people
by the time the rally STARTED!
Thousands more waited outside.
Estimated 8,000 total.
Not bad, for farmin' country.
I did some last minute organizing so KYRS would be there.
I recorded the rally,
did a live remote,
interviewed a few activists, speakers, and marchers
(some who drove 2-6 hours to come march).
I talked to dozens and dozens of people about
community radio and what non-corporate radio even IS.
We handed out hundreds of pamphlets, fliers, and schedules.
We signed up two dozen new volunteers,
and I ran into a lot of friends.
What I loved most was the coalescing of voices.
It was about the environment.
It was about the problem of corruption.
It was about LGBTQ rights.
It was about poverty.
It was about healthcare.
It was about women's rights.
It was about native rights.
It was about black lives.
It was about scientific-reasoning.
It was about education.
It was about the police state.
It was about trade policy.
It was about ALL OF US.
It *wasn't* an Anti-Trump rally.
It was a PRO-PEACE rally.
So of course, he helped build the rally himself
with his hate-speech, war-talk, and fear-mongering.
We WERE afraid, until we saw our neighbors.
Now, we know.... we are united.
And it is awesome.