(no subject)

Mar 11, 2011 00:12

Im single, Im unemployed... life is a wasteland, right?

But, its not so bad.
Its really amazing, actually.

Yesterday I braved the outside world, there was a medical emergency on the bus.. an old lady fell.
The ambulance was called... people stepped out of her claw-like reach.. and stared at her.
She was a little out of it... too much was going on, she was in pain, she couldnt answer people's yelled questions. I went over and held her hand, said comforting things I learned at funerals and got her to answer basic questions. Poor old lady.
She wanted her sister called, I did after the ambulance came.
Then I met my former Data-Monkey coworkers at Senior Froggy's... cause,.. thats.. where I was going.
A friend came over to visit and talk, when they left another friend came to visit, we watched Paul Giamatti have horrifying old married man sex... when they left, another friend came to pick me up, we watched "Exit Through the Gift Shop" and Im pissed I didnt see it at The Magic Lantern. Im an asshole.
That was yesterday.

Today I fielded phone calls and texts.
I agreed to work for the weekend at The Magic Lantern for a little money.
Now I gotta figure out how to report that money to government agencies. BORING.
But money is GOOD, money is very good. Im very unemployed right?

Friends cancelled plans... so I never had to leave bed.
The Inlander called, they want to do a photoshoot with me tomorrow,... I laughed. That's silly.
Im getting profiled for an answer to the Readers Poll Best in Spokane poll.
Specifically my answer to: "Where is the best place for a blind date?"
I laugh again.
This place called life is weird.

Jeff bought flowers for Ris and I the other day. My siblings were NOT like that... to say the least. Woken up with flowers when the days are sort of cold and rainy,... what a good place to spend my time. The curtains get opened,.. the house wants to invite Spring in.
All the news from the outside world is bad.. I dont know what I can afford next week.. but Im really happy from day to day as people I know make every day so much better. I have ideas... THINGS I want to do. I can't relax too much just because things are working out this week.. next week can be different.
Trying to find work.. looking for something I won't mind, chasing the job I'd prefer while trying to set up the job I want most of all.
Im excited, I want it.... Im close to it... I still need help I wouldn't be as successful doing it alone... I CANT do it alone...
Someone willing to put money up against my ability to run a place. How in the hell are you supposed to be confident when everyone is being laid off? Everyone! Lots of really smart, capable, experienced people are out of a job. Confidence when you don't have a job is hard, man.

But, I will mention that all this freetime and no money... means political action becomes available to more people. Fewer people are restricted to a M-F 9-5 which allows time to organize...... more people have had to learn to navigate bureaucracy... free to expose corruption and lack of democracy,... people actually can march in the streets and sit in city-hall and protest every day if they wanted to... they have nothing better to do and nothing to lose!

Thats cool.

Thats... hot.

Hepcat, daddy-o. Lets get this shindig started!

Im reading the Autobiography of Malcom X as told to Alex Haley and The People's History of the United States by Howard Zinn.
Malcom X is my pleasure reading book... Zinn is my lesson plan. I also read a book on anorexia and the Jurassic Park graphic novel retelling of the film. The T-Rex says. "RRAAAAAOOOAARRRR!" a lot. Yes!

I get to watch movies at home, there are roses on the coffeetable. Thats so nice.
The birds are seperated.. they are sorta quieter...
Note to self: Never Get Birds. UNDERLINE THAT.
[I know I never want birds... but don't get birds EVEN accidentally. Ever. I'll hate them. Remember this forever.]
Being as how I am super scared of large birds of all kinds and consider small birds a menace... I doubt I will forget this. My grandma LOVED birds. She had large white egg-laying geese, peacocks, and decorative pheasants as well as a henhouse for fresh eggs and chicken. Homegrown turkey every year. I hated the chickenhouse. I hated the gander who chased me and HISSED!! Ever seen goose teeth?! AHH!
She had doves for a longtime, and an indoor cockatiel... unsurprisingly it said, 'pretty bird'.. its name was Kaycee.. or KC.. Im unsure.. I was like 10 when it died and I never wrote it a nametag or letter.. so I did not inquire.

I've been around birds. I've always thought of them as taloned beasties!
Now, around these parrots I think of them as LOUD taloned beasties!

But,.. sometimes I have the thought...
"I live in a 3 story house with tropical birds and bay window in my bedroom full of books; even though I am unemployed.
I got flowers AND a backrub this week even though I am single."
Life ain't half bad.

Also, I'm finally learning to like the phone again. My long distance friends have been calling, its been amazing.
I havent worked a phone job for over 2 years.. the PTSD is finally wearing off after two years of consensual phoning.
Phone jobs,.. they're like hell only there is overtime pay. Just sayin'.

life is good, update, thoughts, money, birds, friends

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