
Mar 03, 2011 23:39

The house we live in is being put up for sale.
Im unemployed.
I cant afford to register my car.
I have ZERO money.

Today I saw:
A trailer full of trailers.
A dump truck being carried on another truck.
A tree made out of cardboard.

"Ris,.. I see a tree.. made out of a tree. Is that what you see? Cause.. thats what I see."

Sometimes there is just too much silliness to see in a single day.
I went home and recovered.

Coming up on Week 3 of unemployment. Im trying not to panic but I AM broke.. so.. the self-deception of confident hope is wearing thin. I have 3 ideas. My future is uncertain.
But.. futures are always uncertain,.. that is half of the fun of the future.
I've been arguing, arguing.
Gender, politics, sex, war, social justice... favorite topics.
Last night and today I talked about the history of human radiation experimentation in America.
That makes you hot, right? O yeah, baby!

I have horrifying stories exploiting young and old alike! Step up! Step up!
Let me tell you how your government feels about poisoning you!
The other day I protested a security bylaw in Federal buildings that preturbs me.
The U.S. Marshall was not amused, but agreed that requiring ID to enter a publicly-funded building can be understood as a fee
and bars illegals from accessing federal services which may, at the very least, be unfair.

I paid my phone bill. Fox news was blaring on their lobby tv.
I get to The Guy.
"Fox news, eh?"
-"Yeah.. its just noise."
"Yeah it is! Too bad its THAT noise though... studies show that watchers of Fox News are the most misinformed news watchers, seems like unhealthy news to watch in a world where people are dying horrible deaths because of purposefully perpetrated misinformation..."
-"Debit or credit?"

Not everyone has something to say.
Sometimes people are too polite or professional.
If only *I* were too polite or professional, eh?

No such luck, bucko.

I wish I could have been in Seattle last weekend as originally planned.
Friends are coming to visit next weekend. One from Pullman, one from Sandpoint.
Today, a roomie made steak and potatoes for the house.
Yesterday I traded massages with ex-roomie.
Tuesday I stayed up too late talking on the phone.
Monday my car wouldnt make it up to bookclub, so I went to Tiffany's... she invited me over for latenight breakfast and dicegames. Yes please.
Im floundering now that my dreamjob evaporated, but my friends are keeping my spirits up.
My long distance friends have been calling, we talk for hours.
Hours and hours.
I've probably spent 10 hours on the phone this week.
I hate phones, but its worth it to spend time with a friend.
I am insanely lucky for the people in my life, people compliment me on my selection of friends.

Still have my sights on The Magic Lantern...
I feel so adult as I work on my business proposal and consider investors.
Its more possible than ever.

But, next week I could be working at Dominoes or something so.. I dont feel THAT adult.
Worksource is.. crazy busy. The unemployment stats locally are dismal.
In 5 hours, a job posting for a Retail Sales position was viewed just under 5,000 times.
Out front, two clean-cut mid-50s men in nice suits with briefcases were talking about trying to find jobs.
Im still trying to force someone else to hire me.

Please? Ill work ever so hard... just pay me?

To Ris this morning: "Today I wrote two books. One wasn't very good. The other was ok."
R: "What were they about?"
Z: "One was about seeing a fantastical blue monster in a magic box telling me about 'near' and 'far' and what 'cooperation' means. I think he was a prophet."
R: "Ok....."
Z: "I told you one wasn't very good."
R: "What about the other?"
Z: "The bible has been reshuffled too much, its telling the history of the world backwards. I think it started with Revelation and is moving to Genesis."
R: "Hmm.. does that mean we are a pheonix society?"
Z: "Nah, it starts with nothingness and God, remember? I think we're at Exodus.. a time of plagues and awakening."
Then I took a sip of my sodie pop, ate a Cadbury Creme Egg and took a nap.

I so wish I could do a Guy Smiley voice.

silly, work, writing, complain, carissa

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