... I just play one on TV.
When at work they started talking about filming the podcast,
I just went along,
sure... it can multi-platform
and we're a TV studio so
we should be filming everything... sure sure.
Whatever you want.
I understand why they want a podcast,
but I can also understand
why they are confused to have anything audio-only
since they are TV peeps
and I am not bothered because I come
from the radio world.
What I didn't realize,...
was it is apparently my project.
Not until our TD/AD/Studio manager
was like,
"Hey... I just asked 5 people working on this... who's running this show.
They all said YOU are.
But you say it's not yours, its a group effort
and you're going along to get along.
Is it yours and we do it?
Or... is not yours and we scrap it?
Because that's about where we are."
I would be the coordinator,
host, and producer,...
My audio version is just interviewing musicians
and lives on a corner of the internet connected with our PBS affiliate website.
But video materials goes... everywhere we go.
They like my idea of making it a latenight talk show...
... it might be broadcast.
I am still just doing my normal job...
and working promotions and outreach for another department,
plus the podcast
which I do almost single-handed so far.
(I have an audio-engineer with me and photographer,
who also produces/edits clips for social media)
It was literally like having the reins put in my hands.
"These are yours."
Is that the ONLY option?
What is going on here?
Can't say.
Ask other goat.
Me = dead.
Move along.
So, I'm,.... processing.
And definitely Not Freaking Out®.
In other news,
my second-worst fear came true
my tooth that broke off in March,was exactly as badly extracted and treated as I THOUGHT
and now, after
$2100 of treatments... is still infected.
I am going back to my amazing oral surgeon,
and it will be up to me to seek reparations
from my dentist.
I get to pay twice,
I get double the surgery,
suffer through an unnecessarily long, painful, and incomplete recovery
only to need to repeat the process
(at least this time with someone who I know is AMAZING)
AND with the added bonus
of confronting my dentist to demand a refund for
subpar paid-upfront medical care?
Rad. Awesome.
I totally want more of that.
And I am getting myself seriously on the hook
to host a *something*
that might be broadcast
across 4 States and 3 Canadian territories
with my
"modified smile".
Oh, me!
Oh, my!
So... there are highs and there are lows
and there are things
that I'm not sure what they are
but they're here
and I'm watching them,
and they're watching me
watching them.