Sweet Dreams Are Not Made Of These.

Aug 17, 2020 14:34

Night before last I had a dream
where I was on a road trip with people,
and one was a single mother of a teen son
whom she had obviously groomed
into a quasi-sexual relationship...

... and I felt she was molesting him
in broad fucking daylight,
with a goddamned audience in the car
and everyone else was just like,
"Nah... it's their business.
They're just... ya know, close."

for those who are sensitive to reading about
someone being groomed,
and other people thinking groomed behavior
is the same as free will.
Not graphic descriptions but... still clear intent.

And I'm like, "NO! Lady! Put your shirt on
and get off your 14 year old son! SERIOUSLY!
I think I need to call the cops!
You are at LEAST molesting him right now,
and at WORST raping him at other times,

... and everyone was talking me down,
like, "No, he wants it... "
and, "I don't LIKE it, but they're not doing anything WRONG.."
and "Boys don't get raped unless they are penetrated..."
and "A woman can't rape a man..."
and "Mothers can't rape sons..."
and "It's just touching! What are you, prude??"

and I'm like, "NOOOO!!! THAT IS NO TRUE!
Why are you not standing up for young men?!?!
THIS IS HORRIBLE!! He's obviously been GROOMED!!
Don't you know what that IS!?!
Don't you know what that MEANS?!?!"

They do not.

They fight for the 14/15 yr old son's body autonomy
since he's choosing to lay down while his topless mother straddles him,
lays on top of him and he gives her back scratches
....in the back of the Pinto station wagon
we're all in.

The mom just pouts
does childish talk asking for him to scratch
further down her back,
and won't stop grinding him.

I am horrified.
Everyone else is like,
"Stop looking and it won't bother you."

I wake up.... full of "Ew....
Well... that was awful."

Last night I dreamed I was at a BLM rally,
and a lady behind me,
who was an acquaintance I 'recognized' in the dream
was mumbling something about
"White privilege isn't real"
"This is just baiting people,
using the 'race card'."
Do I need to mention she was white?

And I invited her to leave the rally with me,
and go to a coffee shop,
and then tried to educate her about white privilege,
and systemic racism.

Tried to explain,
and assuaged feelings where her lived poverty experience
is not *diminished* by the idea
that white people have certain privileges,
(poor or not!)
and that white privilege is not short-hand
for saying white lives are easy.

I tried to explain complacency,
or me-first attitudes
and how that does not assist
in freedom and justice for EVERYBODY.

She was somewhat open,
and somewhat defensive,
and mostly still thought
the black woman who was speaking at the rally
was blaming *her*,
and therefore felt
and angry about it.

The dream ended
when the rally broke up,
and our coffee shop,
was now an ice cream shop
(dreams are magic!)
and a bunch of the people came in for scoops.

The girl clammed up
around the darker skin tones,
the cardboard signs
saying, "MY HANDS ARE UP!"
and "DON'T SHOOT!"

The dream faded....

So... two nights in a row,
I'm arguing with 'friends'
about how to recognize
(and refuse to participate in)



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