A Question

Jun 30, 2008 21:59

I'm curious about something.

If a long-standing, semi-popular and essentially "good" superhero who is known to have anger and/or control issues - Green Arrow, for example, though it's a bad one - was revealed to be physically (NOT sexually, but physically) abusing their child, parent, sidekick and/or significant other, what do you think the fallout from that would be?

To turn that on its side, if a long-standing, semi-popular and essentially "good" superheroine known to have anger and/or control issues - say,  Huntress - was revealed to be physically abusing their child, parent, sidekick and/or significant other, would the fallout  even be comparable? Would it be better? Worse?

And finally, is it totally crazy for me to to think that, until the fandom/critic reaction from these two storylines is comparable, if not almost identical, that true gender equality has not yet been reached?

random wonderings, feminism

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