The Summer of the Samaritan, Driving in the City and a Meme

Jun 28, 2008 23:56

You know, at this rate, I'm not going to get home for the entire rest of the summer.  On top of Grandpa breaking his hip and having to have surgery to put it back together - which, if you'll remember, is the reason I've been living out of his house in Austin and running errands for my aunts for the past week - now the younger of said aunts is having some sort of heart trouble. She's doing okay, but since she's only 46 and this is the second time her heart has freaked out like this, they've kept her in the hospital for the past two days. Which is fine, except that the dog that either sleeps with her or Grandpa has only one alternative now - me - and neither of us is an easy bedmate. Suffice it to say, I've been having trouble sleeping.

On a related note, I've learned that my driving education in the flat desert of West Texas has denied my one particular crucial aspect: how to control one's speed while traveling down a steep hill. Also, I've never had to navagate in heavy traffic. Suffice it to say, my errand-running throgh downtown Austin has been an adventure in more ways than one.


To change the subject completely, I've customized by Gaia avatar to cosplay as Batwoman. See?

Also, I took an art meme from Deviantart, which had originally been a text meme, and turned it back into text form, because I was bored. Actually, I did it twice. It was fun. Feel free to steal if you want.

You know the deal here. Pick ten characters, either of your original creation or ten characters from one of your favorite fandoms, and list them out 1-10. Then answer the following questions. DON'T LOOK AT THE QUESTIONS BEFORE YOU PICK YOUR CHARACTERS - you'll ruin the whole game.

Original Characters:

1. Shun Ryokucha
2. Midori Uriko
3. Tamas Jennings
4. Thomas Jennings
5. Daiki Takada
6. Emiko Yunemura
7. Miu Amano
8. Anais Cadell 
9. Kendi Faraji
10. Skye Akins

1. Four invites Eight to dinner at their house. What happens?

Thomas attempts to cook something, but loses patience with the job and quits half-way through. His brother Tamas decides to take over and makes a lovely dinner. Anais spends all of her time poking around for information, getting into snapping fights with Thomas and praising Tamas as a saint for his wonderful cooking.

2. Nine tries to get Five to go to a strip club.

They’re too young for that…How about a raver club instead? It wouldn’t take much for Kendi to convince Daiki to come with her. Actually, they’d probably make a pretty cute couple, what with their punk natures and their love of black stripes.

3. You need to stay at a friend’s house for a night. Who do you pick, one or six?

Well, um, Shun’s a hitchhiker, so he’d probably have to tag along with me to get a room, too. ^.^’ So we’ll bunk at Emiko’s place. She’s a sweetheart, she won’t mind.

4. Two and Seven are making out. Ten walks in. What is their reaction?

Skye walks in on Midori and Miu making out? What would *any* teenage boy do when he walked in on two beautiful blonde women making out? GO FOR HIS CAMERA!

5. Three falls in love with six. Eight is jealous. What happens?

Tamas falls for sweet little Emiko, but they’re both so shy that they have a very innocent, child-like relationship. Annie, being devious, tries to push them apart with rumors and such, but it doesn’t work - the adversity just makes the lovebirds realize exactly *how* much they care about one another. Auw…

6. Four jumps you in a dark alleyway. Who comes to your rescue, Two, Seven or Ten?

If Thomas jumped me, he must be possessed again…To be honest, any of them would come to my rescue - Skye would give his best friend an ultra-hard time for being an asshole, Miu would be filled with the righteous fury of the Spirits of Wind, and Midori would knock some sense into his head with her bo. She loves a good fight.

7. One decides to start a cooking show. Fifteen minutes in, what’s happened?

Shun’s already gotten a five-star rating and is getting calls from the best chefs in the world, even though all he’s made is tea from his mother’s shop. Wait until they actually get to the main course!

8. Three has to marry Eight, Four or Nine. Wbo do they chose?

Tamas? Well, he wouldn’t choose four - Thomas is his identical twin for heaven’s sake.

Not sure that Anais is his type, either…so I guess he’d pick Kendi. They’d probably make a pretty stable married couple.

9. Seven kidnaps Two and demands something from Five for Two’s release. What is it?

Miu kidnaps Midori and demands that Daiki deliver her love letters to Kouichi (Digimon Frontier) in exchange for Midori’s release. Daiki would probably think she’s making too big of a deal out of this, but he’d do it anyway just to keep his crazy female friend from hurting an officer of the law.

10. Everyone gangs up on Three. Does Three have a snowball’s chance in hell?

Tamas is one-half of the only two heirs of a pretty powerful magical bloodline, and his brother is in the crowd as a double agent. I’d say he’s got a fair shot.

11. Everyone is invited to Two and Ten’s wedding except for Eight. How do they react?

Anais goes ballistic, steals a camera from the journalism office, and sneaks into the wedding party hoping to find compromising pictures that she can send to a local tabloi- er…I mean, write up into an engang and informative article for the social section of the school paper.

12. Why is Six afraid of Seven?

Because Miu is really pretty aggressive and Emiko really is *not* However, they do overcome this to become good friends, so there’s nothing too bad to worry about.

13. One arrives late for Two and Ten’s wedding. What happens, and why were they late?

He had trouble catching a ride. He slips in really quietly, but Midori still nearly takes his head off. How dare anyone be late to her wedding, *especially* her own “junior partner!”

14. Five and Nine get roaring drunk and wind up at your place. What happens?

Daiki and Kendi show up to hide from the cops because they’re really too young to drink. We get into a crazy Rockstar session, and when I wake up the next morning, my hair has been inexplicably dyed purple and red.

15. Nine murders Two’s best friend. What does Two do to get back at them?

Midori beats the ever-living daylights out of Kendi, or at least tries to. After all, Kendi’s got the Loa on her side, so she’s not going down that easily. It’s the grudge-match of the century, folks, place your bets!

16. Six and One are in mortal danger, and only one of them can survive. Does Six save themselves or One?

Emiko attempts to sacrifice herself, but Shun can’t bare to let such a sweet girl kill herself and thus activates his trap before she can reach him in order to save her life instead. Of course, that’s the point when is karmatic epicenter switches to ‘good luck’ again, making it so that they both walk away from the incident unscathed.

17. Eight and Three go camping. For some reason, they forget to bring any food. What happens?

Tamas pokes around and discovers a nice patch of berries. Anais, having researched berries for a safety story she wrote for the newspaper at a summer girl scout camp, deduces that the berries are safe to eat. They pick enough that they not only have a decent meal that night, but they can also make a few jars of old-fashioned jam.

18. Five is in a car crash and is critically injured. What does Nine do?

Kendi uses a voodoo spell to close up Daiki’s wound as best she can - after all, she‘s found her soul mate, and she doesn‘t want to lose him yet. Any remaining injury is automatically healed the next time that he Spirit Evolves.

DC Comics:

1. Kon-el.
2. Tim Drake
3. Cassie Sandsmark
4. Rose Wilson
5. Eddie Bloomberg
6. Megan Morse
7. Roy Harper
8. Jaime Rayes
9. Kara Zor-el
10. Dick Grayson

1. Four invites Eight to dinner at their house. What happens?

Rose makes dinner wearing an apron and nothing else, just to see how Jaime will react. Jaime, the poor fellow, will freak, but be strangely tempted, because seriously, Rose is hot.

2. Nine tries to get Five to go to a strip club.

Deciding to step in as a friend, Kara drags Eddie to a strip club in Kandor to get him over Rose. Eddie resists at first, trying to be a good Catholic, but finally gives in and the two of them have a ball.

3. You need to stay at a friend’s house for a night. Who do you pick, one or six?

I’d camp out with Kon. Whether that means the Kent’s house or Hawaii, either way would be great. Besides, I think that Megan lives outside in a desert somewhere…

4. Two and Seven are making out. Ten walks in. What is their reaction?

Dick demands to know why Tim and Roy started without him, then joins in. ^_^

5. Three falls in love with six. Eight is jealous. What happens?

Hm…Cassie/Megan would be a really interesting femslash couple, now that I think about it, especially if you put Tim in the middle…

Anyway, they get Jaime to leave them alone by promising to let him watch. After the first time, he decides that cross-species lesbian sex is just *way* too weird, even for his life.

6. Four jumps you in a dark alleyway. Who comes to your rescue, Two, Seven or Ten?

o.0 Holy shit, Rose, I know I don’t write you very often, but I didn’t think you’d take it personally…

They’re all heroes, so I’m sure any of them would be willing to do it. Dick and Tim would probably have the most luck.

7. One decides to start a cooking show. Fifteen minutes in, what’s happened?

My guess is, something blows up. I don’t think I would trust Kon in a kitchen…

8. Three has to marry Eight, Four or Nine. Wbo do they chose?

Kara. Definitely Kara. They’d have a Kryptonian-style wedding in the gardens of Themescyra with the full blessings of Aphrodite, no doubt about it. (Only femslash pairing that I really, really enjoy!)

9. Seven kidnaps Two and demands something from Five for Two’s release. What is it?

Roy demands that Eddie run the video camera while Timmy has a little ‘rough’ fun with his ‘kidnapper.’ Poor Eddie’s not-very-stringent moral code is really being put through the ringer in this thing, ain’t it? XD

10. Everyone gangs up on Three. Does Three have a snowball’s chance in hell?

Judging by the strength of the powers that I chose for this thing, and the nature of some of the competitors, it would probably come down to a three-way fight between Kara, Cassie and Megan, with Kon hovering off to the side because the scene is just damn hot. And if that doesn’t sound like *the* setting for kinky femslash porn, I don’t know what is.

11. Everyone is invited to Two and Ten’s wedding except for Eight. How do they react?

(takes a moment to enjoy the cute mental image of Timmy in a wedding dress)

Jaime would probably be disappointed and a little hurt, but he’d rationalize it by saying that they really didn’t know him too well, so he can’t expect to be invited along. Besides, he’s not sure he wants to *admit* that Nightwing and Robin are getting hitched. The idea is way too surreal for him.

12. Why is Six afraid of Seven?

Because seven, eight…never mind. ^.^’

Megan’s scared that Roy will judge her because she’s a White Martian. After all, he’s part of the League. She worries about what they’re going to do with him.

13. One arrives late for Two and Ten’s wedding. What happens, and why were they late?

Kon was heading off all the badguys who were trying to track down the ceremony to cause trouble. He slips in and lands without anything more than a wink from the Bat Boys as thanks for running their security detail.

14. Five and Nine get roaring drunk and wind up at your place. What happens?

I keep a fire extinguisher handy just in case Eddie gets out of hand and make a mental note to send Kara the bill for anything that she breaks, but otherwise I just sit back and enjoy the show.

15. Nine murders Two’s best friend. What does Two do to get back at them?

Tim clones Kon back to life, improving on all of the clone’s powers to make him even better than before. This edge lets the Kon-clone shove Kara out of the spotlight in the Super-family, alienating her to the point where she feels that she no longer belongs on Earth - which is, of course, Tim’s plan all along. There’s an evil bastard living somewhere in his mind, you know there is.

16. Six and One are in mortal danger, and only one of them can survive. Does Six save themselves or One?

Megan would sacrifice herself, because she’s seen first-hand how much Kon means to Tim, Cassie and the entire world, and she would gladly die if it meant bringing that back. Kon, of course, would then suffer from angst and guilt that he was the cause of her death, even though he’s never actually met her.

17. Eight and Three go camping. For some reason, they forget to bring any food. What happens?

Jaime uses the Scarab’s technology to hack a cell phone signal and order a couple of pizzas from the nearest town, which Cassie flies out to pick up. The next morning, they go for donuts. ^_^

18. Five is in a car crash and is critically injured. What does Nine do?

Kara flies Eddie to the nearest meta-human emergency ward and demands that he get in, right now, or something besides his bones gets broken.


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