Aug 18, 2005 07:22
So... Yes, my father is ill.. No, it's not his time. I have done and said everything I could to make this family realize that I am here to help.
I've been keeping the house "clean".. I've been providing groceries when needed, I have *TRIED* to get the kids to clean up after themselves.. Anything from changing light bulbs to taking out the trash...
But yet I feel that all my efforts are useless... I feel that someone is trying to show me the door so that someone else can come take my spot.
If it is gonna be too much of a hassle for me and my boy to stick around.... Why would it be easier for someone else to come back? Does my family really hate me that much? I'm just gonna get pushed out of the way. Thanks.
So lets spend a couple hundred to get someone back here and throw me out.. Makes no sense to me...
I'm hearing different peoples lines of BS... Just tell me the truth and I'll get the hell out of here if that's what everyone wants..
I knew that no matter how hard I try, it's not good enough. It never has been, never will be.. I want my family to realize that I am here to help.. I'm stubron (just like my daddy) but I'm here, and I'll do it. Wether I like to or not.
Guess that's enough sticking my foot in my mouth for now...