Oct 09, 2006 22:38
yawwwwwn. Literally. I've had a long-ass day to say the least. Today was my first day of grooming academy. Woot! I am now one day closer to being an actual groomer. And the incredible pay raise that comes with it. ^.^;
Which will be incredibly nice, since I'm tired of having to scrape a living paycheck to paycheck, and the senarios of only having 40 bucks on monday to last until friday. its not fun. and i just somehow managed to break my friggin backspace key...... >.> sadly, without the key cover, the stupid button works better. Ah well. My laptop is now ghetto-fabulous.
But! To the point I was attempting to make, since my sleep-addled brain seems unable to focus anymore, is that if anyone needs their pet's groomed, I'm the person to do so ^.^ Go me. Speaking of which, I still need to go arrange all my tools and other shit. blah...