Feb 15, 2003 01:02
One word. Sick. Everyone I know is sick, ill. This most definitely does not exclude my significant other. Who is... at the moment... sleeping... not cuddling, not loving, but sleeping. What a pathetic excuse for a Valentine's. What a miserable day this has turned out to be. As every day passes I feel more and more lack of love and the worst part is that I am actually drinking right now. I'm depressed and I am drinking. What the hell? Next thing you know I'll be an alcoholic and a smoker. What a great life this is turning out to be. I'm not mad at him or anything, I just think that this is a rotten situation and a disappointing end to a disappointing year so far.. I'm thinking about seriously giving up food while I'm at it. I lost some weight while I was sick and not eating is another vicious addictive cycle that I think I could actually benifit from. Sigh. Let me go wallow in alcohol and depression now.