Dec 07, 2005 10:12
haha...I didn't, but here's question #2: WHO SAW THE UC IRVINE SHIRT HE WAS WEARING?! Well I can honestly say that I PICKED THAT SHIRT OUT FOR HIM!
One of his assistants came into the bookstore on the day of his concert and asked me for help to find plain, not too graphic, shirts. After not finding exactly what she needed, she said, "Ok, I'm just going to tell you. I'm looking for a shirt for Kanye West to wear at his concert tonight" [[My jaw drops]] "He only will wear white or gray. He doesn't want any cartoon anteaters or graphics. Just plain UCI or UC Irvine. And size Large."
Immediately, I started searching for shirts. I found 2 that she liked, but the sizes weren't out. So I had to hunt in the backroom for a size large. I tried talking to her for a while--asking about her job, about Kanye--but she was in a rush and my hopes to maybe get "hooked-up" with tickets or something went down the drain. Before she left she said, "Thanks for your help. I'll bring these to him and he can pick out which one he wants to wear!"
I heard that when he busted out his white with navy print "UC Irvine" shirt, the crowd went crazy! haha..that makes me happy=)
That was just my little brush of excitement monday morning. Just thought I'd share!
[[1 final down, 3 more to go (2 on Thursday, 1 on Friday)]]