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la-cruz.livejournal.com/145995.html данной мне Рыжей Рысью, решил найти и вывесить англоязычный перевод стихотворения Анны Ахматовой "Сероглазый король". Мне нравится.
Hail to thee, o inconsolate pain!
The young grey-eyed king has been yesterday slain.
That autumn evening was stuffy and red.
My husband, returning, had quietly said,
"He'd left for his hunting; they carried him home;
They found him under the old oak's dome.
I pity his queen. He, so young, passed away!...
And overnight all her black hair turned grey."
He picked up his pipe from the fireplace shelf,
And went off to work in the night by himself.
So now my daughter I will wake and rise --
And I will look in her little grey eyes...
And murmuring poplars outside will be heard:
Your king is no longer here on this earth.