Spring in my step

Mar 21, 2011 10:33

Today is the first day of spring! Yaay! So happy for it you guys!!

On Saturday I did my first 5k! It was AWFUL! hahahahaha. I dislike walking/running lol. It was an experience though for sure. Justin came in 155th. Brian and I were 844th and 844th LMFAO. Out of 921. We walked. So I'm not upset or something. It was just funny. Little kids were passing me. We did it in 49 minutes.

Afterward, we went shopping, I bought two new pairs of jeans and guess what? I've lost TWO pant sizes!!! I went from 14 to 12! I don't think I've worn 12's since like 2004 or something. Legit.

Then we went home and you think we'd want to rest. Instead we went on a 15 mile bike ride with Eddy!

I feel the need to share a close up of this with you:


Yesterday, I got new shoes! I NEVER get new shoes. I'm SO CHEAP that I will wear my shoes until they fall apart around my feet. Seriously. I had a pair of chucks once that you could see half of my foot through. Well, Brian told me I NEEDED to get new shoes and I deserve them for all the work I've been doing on my feet!
We went to the mall, which I hate, but after a few stores, I ended up with these:

They were only $30 on sale and I like them. They came with pink laces also and I swapped those in instead of the black.
I also got two pairs of Old Navy flip flops. Nothing says "It's spring!" quite like that first pair of Old Navy flip flops for the year! I got green and brown. My black ones from last year are alright still.

I'm also crazy excited about this little Herb Terrarium I got. I scored this thing at the thrift store for $2.50! Everything was in it except for the little stakes that tell you what's what, but it still had the stickers, so it's all good.

I planted a week ago and it's been sitting in the window getting all awesome for about a week now. The dome lid really traps the moisture and I was so excited to see sprouts this weekend!

(I'm easily excited.)

Speaking of excited... VEGAS!!! We leave Saturday morning. I don't think it's really set into my brain yet. I've been too busy. Yesterday I bought tooth brush covers, little bottles for shampoo etc. I found these adorable little sets with little bottles and little mini shower puffs lol. I got a blue set and a pink set.
I am seriously going to drink my weight in champagne out there. I don't know why I'm so set on so much champagne, but I need it in my life hahaha. I am going to be so bubbly the whole time I'm there, so champagne seems fitting!

biking, spring, bike, working out, shoes, eddy, plants, las vegas

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