I can't stop laughing...

Mar 17, 2011 23:27

I just made the most hilarious, ridiculous cake I've ever done.

I swear, it is just cracking me up. I don't even want to be in the same room with it, it's so awkward hahaha!


If it had a name, it would be Mr. Sketchy. lol

So, for the record, I didn't want to make it flesh tone. I asked if I could make it some neon color and make it cartoony and have a face and stuff. I figured that way it would be less gross and more hilarious. Then they literally asked me if I could make it shoot frosting... so I rigged a turkey baster and a little tube... oh god it's going to haunt me for the rest of my life. I swear. I am giving them a little baggie of watered down frosting with the instruction to set the bag in warm water to get it melty, then pop the bulb off the back of the cake, fill it, pop it back on and... well... yeah. That. hahaha.

I'm such a child. Whatever.

And yes, it DOES say "Happy Girthday" and yes, the boarder IS sperm.

And with that... I say Good night.

cake, fun, friends, fondant, funny

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