
Dec 29, 2010 22:49

Holy shit.

I am in horrendous pain! lol

I am REALLY not a baby about getting tattooed usually. I don't even know... this was just plain awful! didn't eat dinner. Which was really stupid. You should always eat before getting tattooed... especially something like this. I drank a monster and ate part of a cheese danish. Stupid.

The chair/bench/table thing I was on at this new shop Kevin is in was really crazy uncomfortable and I had to totally contort myself into insane positions where sometimes we were like holding my arm in the air basically trying to get into these areas lol.

It was just so painful! This is like the 15th time Kevin has tattooed me probably, and I don't think I've ever been this much of a baby. I would say in complete honesty, ten more minutes and I would have passed out.

In any case. I love it. We put it on an angle to try to break up that weird linear thing I had going on with that part of my arm. It's a Jimmy Eat World reference. (Lucky Denver Mint being a song title)

I tried to clean that big glob of ink off the tip of my elbow, but it is seriously so sore, I can barely move my arm lol. When he was on the bones, it was sending pain all the way down my arm and into the tendons in my hands... uuugh. It was just so bad lol. I can't stop whining. I felt physically ill. Usually after getting a tattoo, I'm willing to go out and do whatever. Go to the bar, go out shopping, go out to eat. Whatever. Not tonight. I wanted to get some food and go home.

We went to Chick-fil-a where I ordered a 12 piece nugget a fruit salad and a cherry coke. You know I'm hungry when I can eat that much food and I scarfed every bit. I was starving.

I'm snuggle up with Eddy now, trying not to smash my arm on anything. Eddy headbutted it like right away. I know he doesn't know any better lol but ouch! Come on pup! That felt awful!

In any case, I'm so much closer to having a full sleeve on this arm I can taste it. Seemed for a while like it would just never happen. I'm feeling good about the whole thing.

Other than that, my house is a complete wreck and we're having a NYE party... in what? Two days? lol

I think Micah is bringing the ping pong table again this year...

Well, I need to figure out how I'm going to sleep on this arm tonight lol. I think when I wake up it's going to be the size of a grapefruit. I need to find my tightest fitting long sleeve shirt to wear to work tomorrow. Wish me luck! I'm going to go eat some ibprofen!

pain, new tattoo, awesome, kevin byers, jimmy eat world, tattoo

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