
Nov 20, 2010 01:43

I submit some of my cakes to epicute.com and one of them was featured!

I was so happy to see it!

Check it out

I was sort of bummed because when it was first put up, instead of having a link to my blog, it just had the URL. So if anyone followed from there to my blog, they'd have to copy and paste... and it wouldn't be traceable back to epicute on my stat page. Half way through the day though, it some how got magically changed to a link and suddenly I got a spike in traffic and I was able to trace it back to epicute on my tracking page. It was really kind of neat. I closed the day with 401 hits. Nice.

Other than that, we went to the movies tonight, which we don't do often. We both got the night off from the bar and decided to go on a date. We went to the cheapie theater and saw Inception. Half way through a couple actually got up and left! LOL! Guess they couldn't handle it. Their loss though.
It was really good. One of those good ol' mind-fuck movies that leaves you thinking, "Now why would they end it like THAT?"
It was really confusing, but I felt like I followed it all pretty well. It left me feeling similar to the way I felt after Fight Club, or the Matrix. It was good.

Well, I just took half of a Tylenol PM, so shortly here, I'll be out like roofied prom date. Those things hit me hard, but if there's one thing I need- it's a good solid night's sleep.

blog, cake, cute, brian, movies

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