Alive in a Dying City

Nov 14, 2010 20:05

Brian's band had their cd release show last night at Blind Bob's!

I was supposed to work at the bar, but I got out of it and I'm so glad. We had such a good time just hanging the fuck out and rocking out. What a great night. I am so in love with our little music scene.

Of course, I made a cake to celebrate the occasion!

Because I'm whoring out my blog, click through to check out the whole story. It's actually a pretty great story!

Click to find out what happened when we stopped too fast at a stop light when this cake was sitting in the back seat of the car

The show was fantastic...and before the show, we went to a beard competition! It was fabulous!!! We got to see the world record holding beard and all kinds of great stuff!

Justin entered the styled beard category and Karen totally styled his beard. It was EPIC.

I could not have been more proud. And yes- he won!

Here you can see me with my hair draped over my face because I had mustache envy haha

What a day it was.

Today we slept in as late as we could. Then we watched some Mythbusters and headed out to meet Brian's parents for lunch. We ate until we were miserable and then stopped in at Best Buy. We had issues signing up for their credit card. First they had computer program, then it was something else. I don't know. Basically, we didn't get approved for the card for whatever reason so we couldn't pick up a new desktop today.

I did pick up a netbook though, so at least I can actually work on my blogging and check up on all of you guys more often now! I got an HP Mini. It's red and it's actually really cute and came with a case and everything. How cool is that?

On that note I've got some more Mythbusters to watch!
Check out my blog!

blog, cake, friends, blind bob's, computer, auburndale, music, beard

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