Holy weekend batman

Aug 09, 2010 19:18

This was a hell of a weekend. 5 girls in this car

It was insanity. Pure insanity. The whole time. It was perfect. We rode in the back of a pick up truck, we laid on a pool table. We sang and screamed so much that I lost my voice at one point. We ate until we thought we'd burst. We ate cake with our hands. We sang happy birthday so loudly at 2am that her neighbor remarked on it the next day. We swam in our underwear. We drank until we were falling over. We posed for photos with total strangers. We were the life of the party everywhere we went. It was exactly what I needed and wanted. We prank called people for at least a solid hour while we all laid in bed eating toast made with the Hello Kitty toaster. We made a cab driver so angry he purposely made a wrong turn to charge us more lol. We got totally gawked at EVERYWHERE we went lol.

When I got back to Dayton, I had to drive to Troy to borrow Brian's parent's laptop to work on my video. I decided I may as well use the software that came with the camera.
I spent about 2 hours trimming video clips and splicing them together. Then I went to add the music... but ... wait... it wasn't working. I wasted another half an hour trying to figure it out. To no avail. I decided to just do it in Windows Movie Maker... except, I couldn't use anything I'd just done. I had to start all over. Another hour to clip and splice video and then longer still to add the music. Then I was trying to upload it, but my internet sucks. Youtube was being a bitch and at 4am I finally set them all for upload and went to bed. I woke up at 9am and guess what? The computer went into sleep mode and canceled my uploads!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I tried to do them again, but I had to get to work. I put them on a flash drive and uploaded them here. but theeeen youtube was all pissy because I had a deathcab song at the end and it flashed some shit about copyrights and told me that my audio would be muted for the entire video so no one could hear that fucking song.
At this point I was ready to tear out my hair.
I had the first 2 sections on Youtube and frantically uploaded the 3rd to Vimeo. It worked and I emailed the lady a WAY too long email explaining and apologizing. I just want them to know how much I've put into this and that people like meeeee.

All I can do now is hope for the best.

I did literally everything I could.

I asked if I was allowed to put the video on my blog. We'll see what I'm told.

But then I did get to come home to this:

I cannot wait to ride it tonight. I've barely been on it. Around the block once last night and to work this morning. So yeah, not even 15 minutes probably lol.
I'm tempted to move my bike computer to it tonight before we ride. I'll get another one for the cruiser. Or I'll get a nicer one for the road bike and put this one back on the cruiser.

But yeah. My life... it's pretty awesome.

karen, katie, frustration, video, friends, youtube, bike, new bike, tlc, tv show, chelsea, audtion, birthday, road trip, photos, hef, kelly

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