Alive in a Dying City

Jun 07, 2010 12:49

Yesterday, we got up late and did a bit of shopping. Then we had lunch and then we came home and cleaned a bit. I made cupcakes and punch and we went to the studio to do gang vocals for the Auburndale album "Alive in a Dying City." I think we had about 16 people there. It was so much fun. The boys from Kuan came. There was lots of laughing and lots of PBR.

We had a really good time. I think there will eventually be some video.

I love our friends!

Then we rode to Bob's and had dinner. Then a short bike ride to the river. Then we went home and sorted laundry. I got a couple of calls from friends wanting to ride bikes. Awesome!

We met Janna and her friend Thomas downtown and then met up with Karen and Justin. We rode all over. It was awesome. Janna and I chased a baby mole down the middle of Patterson Ave. (on foot!) I wanted to pet it so bad! Then we went to UDF!
That's where we saw the "Moo Shine" hahaha

We loitered out in front of the store and ate beef jerky and string cheese and mike and ikes and Justin drank an entire cookies n cream milk shake lol.

Then we rode around downtown and eventually we rode to the top of a parking garage and rode up and down the ramps! It was 11:00 at night and it was fantastic. A bunch of drunk old rich white people in tuxedos were coming into the garage to get their cars (great idea). When one of them saw Brian and I flying down the ramps on our bikes he started singing "Biiiiicycle!!! Biiiiclyle!!!!" ahahahaha. We were DYING. It was like a movie or something.

It was so cool to stand on top of the garage and look out over the city. Our shitty empire. Maybe we ARE living in a dying city, but dammit, WE aren't what's wrong with it.
We are ALIVE in this dying city. We are living this downtown life. We won't give up.

cupcakes, food, friends, biking, centre city, clouds, fun, happiness, photos, downtown

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