lemon cupcakes

Jul 03, 2009 00:12

Tonight, I baked my cake layers for my star wars cake. I never like to waste cake batter, so I make cupcakes with the leftover batter. I made some chocolate ones with blue icing, but I took them to the bar and they didn't last long. When I got home, I made my lemon cake layers and used what batter I had left for mini lemon cupcakes. I wanted them to look really summery so I used white icing and then made little lemons out of fondant. Then I zested a lemon over them.

I need to buy a mini cupcake cake pan... so they don't come out all funky shaped.

More natural lighting would have better shown the colors... ah well.

I REEEEAAAALLLY don't want to go to work tomorrow... ah well.

I guess I'm just worried about getting my star wars cake done... I want it to be really awesome... of course I'm worried and anxious about it. So many things could go wrong with it from the elaborate buttercream transfers to the fondant figures to the piping... I don't know... I just wish I had more time. Thankfully, I've been working on the little pieces here and there through out the week... I just have to assemble it, which will be stressful enough...

If he wasn't so cute, I'd stop taking so many pictures of him.

I guess I should go to sleep. I slept through my alarm this morning. Thankfully (?) the cat knocked over my potted tree in the living room, waking me up. I mean, I was happy he woke me up... but not happy that I had to clean up all that dirt at 9am...

Well, Futurama is on... I will fall asleep to that... it's one of my favorite episodes. the one with the clover. I always cry at the end. THAT'S RIGHT. I've said it before, sometimes Futurama makes me cry lol.

cupcakes, photos, eddy, lemon, fondant, zest, futurama

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