Hobo Killin Hot

Jun 26, 2009 16:59

That's what it is outside. Ugh...

Today we were supposed to go to Fort Wayne, IN for Gear Fest... it's like a big nerdy recording thing... I don't know really. Now, this would have been fine, but of course, Nate called me last weekend and begged me to work this friday. Ugh. Since Fort Wayne is over 2 hours from her, it didn't seem worth it to go and have to be back here this afternoon. Oh well.

We decided to get our oil changed. They old us we needed new brakes. I'd love to argue with the guy, because mechanics rip you off, but I knew we needed the damn things. So we told them to do it. Now, here we were... middle of the day, I'm off til 6:30 and nothing to do? Well, we decided to walk down to the river and find something to do. We walked down to Riverscape and decided to rent a paddle boat. We got a tandem bike boat. What a workout!!!
We really did have fun lol. It was just a lot of work and it was like 490485049385430985 degrees out... The sun was KILLLLLER. Ugh!

In my bag I had packed some bread... because I'm fat and I like to eat lol. It was really good sesame seed bread from Webster St. Market and it's like $5 a loaf... but the ducks were so damn cute... I couldn't help it, I gave them almost all of it! It was so much fun!

I had also brought some bananas and sodas, so we sat in the shade and watched the kids play in the crazy water fountain thing they have up there for them to run around in.
He looks downright enthused, doesn't he??? lol

Then the walk home... uuuuggghhh the clouds parted and I felt like we were walking the sahara desert. I would have much preferred to be eating a tasty cold dessert... than walking in the desert... but I digress. Anyhow, feeling in the spirit of the moment, I wrapped my scarf around my head and can report, I did, in fact, feel about 5 degrees cooler.


I was 90 degrees though... so that wasn't too much help. Ah well.

In other news, I'd rather drown myself in the bath tub than go to work tonight, but whatever. I said I would go on :(

photos, riverscape, downtown, hot, boat

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