
Jun 22, 2009 22:44

In case you missed it...

According to her this dumbass girl went to get "3 stars" tattooed on her face. She "fell asleep" while he was tattooing and suddenly she woke up and OMG! She had 56 stars on her face!!! Waaah She said she can't go outside... she's a freak! Oh nooooo. Waaahhh. She's suing! How could he do this to her?

Did she REALLY think this story was believable? What a jerk. I know any publicity is good publicity (supposedly), but I feel bad for the artist because she's raked him over the coals in the past week in the international media. No one was really buying it though... I mean I read some reports where people seemed to be buying into it, but really?

She finally came clean!


tattoos, crazy girl, psycho, news

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