long day

May 29, 2009 11:14

Today is going to be so long. All day at Hauer Music and then all evening/night at Blind Bob's... and it will feel all the longer because tomorrow is Hell City.

Everyone at Hauer thinks I'm going to a wedding. Yeah, I didn't think they'd argue with giving me the day off for a wedding. Considering they're unaware of my extensive amount of tattoos, I'd rather just keep it that way.

In any case, I'm just full of anxiety! I can't wait for tomorrow to come. I made a cake last night! For hell city. It's shaped like ohio lol. Liz is going to love it. She's going to have to because we'll be too broke to eat anything else this weekend hahaha.
I don't want to post photos yet because I don't want liz to see it until tomorrow haha.

This morning was weird, I was so restless... I kept obsessing about oversleeping. From 7-8:30 I rolled over like every 5-10 minutes to look at the clock. Like I thought my alarm wasn't going to go off... I was so restless. I guess I just want to get today over with.

When I was shaving my legs last night I was surprised to see my legs were covered in bruises and scratches from the dogs and cat. Ugh. I cleaned eddie's ears last night and he was going apeshit, clawing all over me. Plus the cat is just a botch.

I had planned on wearing skirts and dresses all weekend, I guess I still do, but I'm already self concious. I don't know. I don't know what all the bruises are from. I guess I'm just a clumbsy fuck. Who knows.

I hope I can make some decent money at the bar tonight, but I also hope I can get out at a reasonable hour. I want to get some real sleep tonight!

cake, sleep, work, hellcity

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