Back by popular demand

Apr 26, 2009 21:02

Wow! I haven't posted in 4 days, so unlike me! haha...

I've just been so ridiculously busy.

Work work work and shopping, baking, shows... it's been a crazy week.

Today I made a cake for my niece's baptism. It was really cute and everyone loved it.

Home made fondant. Inside is white cake with home made buttercream.
The tree is made of rice crispy treat covered in fondant and hand painted with gel coloring.
I was a bit short on sleep and my hands were shaking like hell when I piped the letters. This happens to me a lot. I never seem to be of sound mind when it comes time to pipe letters! Dammit.

Psalm 1:2,3
He is like a tree
planted by streams of water,
which yields its fruit in season
and whose leaf does not wither.
Whatever he does prospers.

But I changed he to she.

Baptisms are weird. I went so I would have an excuse to make cake. And I love my niece. But seriously. Pouring water on babies and waving candles around them freaks me out.

I wish I could think of things to write about... but honestly, the past week hasn't been much more than work.

I did get to run the beer tub on Friday night and it was really fun. I had a great time at work.

Last night was interesting haha, but I don't know if I want to talk about it. We'll just say I had a lot of fun at the bar last night and it was really great to see Chelsea Johnson. As always.
It was also great to see Kristen and Timmy, I wasn't expecting them to be there and it was a really pleasant surprise! Everyone looked amazing, as always. All my fabulous girls... Kristen, Katie, Chelsea, Karen, Hef, Kelly... even I wore a little dress!

Cleavage a plenty. haha... it's short too. Which is funny, because I never wear short dresses. I threw on some heels and said fuck it.

Well, I'm off to watch tv with the hubby!

Oh! Here's me and the baptism baby. Lauren! The Jesus oil they put on her head made her smell so good. I couldn't stop giving her kisses!

cake, chelsea, friends, lauren, rice crispy treat, blind bob's, family, butter cream, fondant, baptism

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