favorite cake ever

Apr 22, 2009 03:29

I'm not a patient person. I don't like to learn the basics before trying to do the hard stuff.
I get bored with the basics... I can't pipe shells. Do you know what a shell is? It's like the most basic icing technique of all time. I can't figure it out. But I tonight I hand made fondant, hand colored it, hand cut gumpaste letters, stacked and crumb frosted two sheet cakes, placed my letters on the cake and rolled the fondant over them to create the most perfect Fight Club bar of soap. It's exactly how I pictured it in my head. I love it so much!
Of course I ruined it by writing on the side of it, but whatever. I don't even care. I'm really happy with how it turned out! It was a technique I saw on Ace of Cakes when Jeff put the letters under fondant when he was making a giant girl scout cookie... I drew the letters on cardboard and then cut them out and kind of cut around them on rolled out gum paste with a pearing knife haha. I'm really happy with the whole thing!

Making the fondant was SO MUCH FUN. I made the biggest mess on earth. Not to mention it was so affordable. I fondant covered the cake for less than it would have cost to ice the fucking thing. It was about $4 total for the ingredients, if that. I'm going back to Kroger while their Kraft marshmallows are on sale for $1 a bag and buying like ten haha. I was shocked at how easy it was to make and I personally found it much easier to work with than the normal fondant I paid TEN DOLLARS for at the store! Fuck that noise. Never again!

Happy anniversary Fight Club! I can't think of ANY better reason for cake than for my favorite movie of all time!

Yes, it's four am... yes, I've been making cake all night AGAIN. What is WRONG WITH ME!? lol

gum paste, cake, ace of cakes, soap, movie, chocolate, stoked, fondant, fight club

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