Apr 19, 2009 22:18

So, I got home from work at the bar last night around 1:30. I knew I had to bake my cakes last night because I wouldn't have time to bake and cool and crumb frost and decorate today before the birthday party at 2:00.
Well, I had to make two layers for the sheet cake and two layers for the square cake... I only have one sheet cake pan though. Baking took a little over an hour. Cooling, assembling and crumb frosting took another hour. By the time I was in bed, it was about 3:30. For some reason, I couldn't sleep at all! Ugh. By the time I fell asleep it was probably about 4:30am. At 8am, I woke up in a panic... all I could think of, laying there was that I had turned on the dishwasher before going to bed. And I had left the cake, crumb frosted and assembled... on the kitchen counter, right about the dishwasher. That part of the counter gets really hot when the dishwasher is run.
I was laying there in bed, about 3 1/2 hours of sleep, picturing my cake, melted, fallen apart and ruined. I knew it was completely irrational... but I couldn't help myself... I got up and checked on it. Of course, it was fine.
I went back to bed and tried to sleep for another hour. I got a bit here on and off and then got up at 9:30 and started to decorate. I had to make frosting, roll gum paste, roll fondant, color frosting and gum paste etc.
It was a lot of work to try to get done right before the party haha, but at least it was fresh!!!

I was pretty happy with how it turned out over all!
From my sketch

to the trial run little size cake

Good stuff!
Ender was adorable. He bit EVA in half. haha.

gum paste, cake, wall e, 6th cake, birthday, pearl dust, butter cream, fondant, janna

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