(no subject)

Apr 18, 2009 13:37

Yesterday was so nice outside!

I met Brian and Eddy for lunch at 5th Street Deli. It's so nice because they have a patio where you can hang out with your dog! I love it. Eddy loves it too!

After I got off work, we met Brian's parents for drinks and dinner at La Fiesta in Troy.

So much fun. What a night. It was really grand. His mom and I drank giant daquaris. I love his parents. It was a really good time. And my fajita nachos were totally boss!

Today is another lovely day outside... too bad I have to work all day/night!

I have to get up very early and make cake cake cake!

The best part about today? Cindy isn't here!!!

outside, drinks, photos, dinner, family, la fiesta

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