I wish I could say I'm 100%

Apr 08, 2009 18:22

Yesterday, I slept for 16 hours. Pretty much straight. Today, I laid in bed until about 11:00. I felt *better* but not good. We took Eddy to the Bark Park, because we do it every Wednesday and I can't deny him that. He needs it and he loves it...

Then I dropped Brian off for band practice. I went to the Hobby Lobby... which I never get to go to because I don't have time during the week and they're closed on Sunday. Lame. But I was like a damn zombie... I just kind of shuffled up and down the isles, I couldn't really focus on anything and I couldn't remember why I came in... I was kind of like an old person that got lost. Eventually, I just kind of found my way out and went to the drug store for some dayquil. I was going to get Afrin, at suggestion of theamazingjosh, but I wasn't really congested anymore as much as achy and sore throat and the other sickly feelings. So Dayquil it was.

No one likes to rinse that little stupid cup. I drink my dayquil from the bottle lol.

I managed to get to the Rite Aid that's going out of business down the street. Everything was 50% off. It was really picked over though. I managed to get some eyeliner, two bottles of Bert's Bee's conditioner, some energy drink and Bert's Bee's Chapstick for $13. Not bad considering the conditioners are normally $8 a bottle.

I continued my search for the perfect dress for our cousin's wedding. I tried on another SIX fucking dresses today. I've probably tried on like 20 dresses at that point... nothing fits me right. If it fits over my ginormous chest, it doesn't fit over my big ass. If it fits over my big ass, it doesn't fit over my bulging chest. I can't explain how many empire waists rest on my collar bones. Awesome.

Finally, at another store, I tried on three more dresses and finally found this

Something that actually fits me??? And it's from Express? Bag it up, I'll take it.
I posted this quick dressing room snap shot on my twitter and got a lot of good response, so I feel good about it. Once home, I paired it with the high heels I got last week and it looks really nice.

Once I got home I was wiped out completely. I think I over did it today, so I look forward to a quiet night in before going back to work tomorrow.

I've been trying sooo hard to keep up with my friend's list, but it's been hard. My attention span is not so great when I'm sick.

drugstores, wedding, sick, dress, shopping, dayquil, day off

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