little things

Mar 30, 2009 12:15

Its strange, but at the times I see my friends struggling the most, that I feel able to make the most of my own situation.

When I see them being picked apart, I ask myself what I can be doing differently.

I am able to appriciate little things that I most often take for granted. I am taught to love the imperfections and not complain about the mistakes.

And love the good things even more... I use the words "thank you" more often. Instead of just letting the small things go un-noticed.

Its easier to wake up and roll over and think "thank god he's still here with me and im happy to see him still."

Cindy complains sometimes that she has to spend "aaallll daay" with her husband next tuesday or whatever. It pisses me off because I would love to spend a whole day with my husband. I wouldn't marry a person if I couldn't stand the thought of spending 24 hours next to them.

Im reminded to cherish the things I love most about brian and ignore the insignificant things that bother me.

I try to appriciate what I have.

And give what I can to others emotionally and otherwise.

Katie and I had girl talk over brownies until 1:30am last night. We needed it...

Around two I got a text from chels that broke my heart. I should have called, but I was half asleep.

All the while Liz was sending me texts because the guy she went out with and had fun with the other night had started completely ignoring her.

This morning I woke up an brian had knocked all the clean laundry onto the floor, somehow coated my whole bathroom sink in mouthwash and I picked up so many beer bottles from the living room, I felt like I was bussing tables at the bar.

But I love him anyway. And I always will.

I cleaned the whole loft top to bottom, even the entire bowl of dog food the cat dumped all over the floor. And I know when he gets home, he'll thank me for makin our place what it is. I fed the animals and watered the plants. I wiped down all the counters and did the dishes. I left him a little note asking him to take out the trash. Maybe he will and maybe he won't. If he doesn't, I won't freak out. I will think about the fact that he's been at work all day and give him the benifit of the doubt.

I love him.

friends, brian, love, life

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