a day of days

Mar 26, 2009 15:20

Yesterday I got up and drove to middletown for my noon appointment with Kevin. When I got there, I said I was glad he had a slot for me because Brian had acted like he was unsure when he talked to him on the phone. That's when he told me he acted that way because when he looked in the book, he already had someone scheduled for noon yesterday. He called them and told them he was going to have to bump them because he had a really good friend driving in from out of town! Aww! I yelled at him for passing up on doing a legit paid tattoo just to squeeze me into the schedule. Haha. Its not like he knew I would even be giving him money. He never asks for money... I showed up, told him what I wanted, we drew it up and tattooed it.
We hung around behind the counter for an hour spinning in the chairs, looking through cds, playing on the computer and making fun of each other. Then I remembered I had money for him and grabbed it out of my bag and cram my money in his pocket lol.

We lounged on the couch for a while before karen showed up and then karen and I took off for Lexington.
I snagged some cds from kevin lol, a best of the 80s cd a Strangers as Heros cd and some other shit. Karen and I got hella lost, turned the wrong way like 3 times hahaha... but we made it there. Traffic in lexington suuuucks.

We saw chelsea's store and then went to her apartment. Its really cute. And her cat is so big! I can't believe Gibson will someday be that big!

We went to dinner at Cheddar's and had semi-loud, obnoxious, inappropriate, excited conversation over steak, ribs, chicken strips, nachos and margaritas. It was so nice to be together!

Back at Chelsea's house we watched some really hilariously inappropriate videos and then felt so bad about it that we had to go look at icanhascheezburger to make ourselves feel better hahahaha.

Then the goodbyes and the long drive home.
I don't think I've ever just hung out with karen before. It was nice, I feel like we're on the same page with a lot of things. I drank 3 energy drinks and felt like I talked waaay too much haha. Oh well. It happens.

Got home at midnight, watched the new south park, the new ghost hunters and went to sleep snuggled with my pup, my kitten and my bear. :)

Ps. My arm hurts! Haha. My tattoo is still swollen so bad you can't see the ball of my wrist. Haha

karen, chelsea, friends, kevin, road trip, tattoo, cheddar's, dinner, lexington

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