these days, they fly by like minutes

Dec 18, 2008 08:56

Finished almost all of our Christmas shopping last night. Came home, wrapped everything.... we watched Nightmare Before Christmas. Brian bought me the Blue Ray and I got mad at him because I hate it when he buys me movies. I'm just as content with renting a movie. I always feel like it's silly to buy movies, but oh well. I don't mean to be ungrateful. I've just never quite understood the need to own a bunch of movies. Either way, we watched it. It was adorable, as always and I have been wanting to watch it.

I made cranberry-strawberry and cream cocktails... sugar rimmed martini glasses look so cute :)
I picked up a little tiny white christmas tree at Barnes and Noble for $3!
I convinced Brian that next year, we will get a white tree! Yaay!

We opened our first home made beer. I even took a few swigs.
I'm trying to upload the video, but I'm not so good with these things it turns out. Maybe it's not me, but youtube is taking FOREVER. Oh well.
It was pretty damn alright.

Mike Poland and his girlfriend(?) came over. She was pretty nice.
We drank a lot. I missed Mike a lot. He gives the best hugs!

drinks, friends, mike poland, movies, beer, christmas, photos, tree

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