So we didn't end up showing the house yesterday. I have no idea what happened with that. I forgot to ask my mom when I saw her. DDDDD: We need to sell the house!! We couldn't even afford to live here in the summer! My poor mother! D:
-----Abrupt topic change, lol------
I'm so totally loving Hetalia right now! I can't believe I put off reading it for so long!!
Dwah! Su-san is such a sweetie! SuxFin OTP!! <333333
America-san is hilarious, too. "I will be the hero, of course!" XDDDD So much winz... And wtf at the burger cure for UK's fever. XDDD
It's a bit hard to follow sometimes as the art is kind of rough and I can't tell who is who sometimes- not to mention the fact that I know very little about european history- but I'm learning stuff, at least!
Hee hee, the shooting star impailing England's head was priceless!
lolol France is such a creeper!!! ._.; And Russia is scary!! but lawl at him being inside the panda costume! Poor China-san~ And lol at "It'll be alright. You two will definitely become friends again. Because eventually everyone will be one with russia, right?" XDD
The kiss between Germany and Italy was so cute!!!! <33333 Those two are just too funny~
"THIS IS RUSSIA, OKAY??? D:<" *ded*
Oh, and I haven't gotten any sleep at all since yesterday because I was up reading Hetalia. XDDDD;