It's fall, y'all!

Sep 04, 2017 18:14

I mean, I'm still stuck in a rut and don't really know how to get out (other than writing job application after job application but that's a story for another entry) but at least, we're finally in my favorite season! Berlin summer this year was... err... wet (actually, it was the wettest summer ever recorded here, not shitting you) and moderately warm (some hot days, most of them hot and humid, which, considering that typical Berlin clime is usually closer to Russian taiga weather (i.e. hot and dry in summer, freezing cold in winter, and virtually no spring whatsoever) than any other clime, was really damn disgusting) but thank God not the scorching hot mess it was in Southern Germany.

Funny enough, I had to cancel more runs due to really, really heavy rain than due to heat (I abhor running on treadmills and usually run outside, in almost every weather. The three great exceptions are: torrential raining, anything above 25°C in the shade and anything below -10°C) this summer, which, quite frankly surprised me. Since I usually run late in the morning, I also ran with a jacket more often than not (even in July, which is supposed to be really, really hot here), which also wasn't how I expected summer to be. I know a lot of people here who found the summer this year really shitty but honestly? I pretty much loved it (except for the mosquitos. Mosquitos are a scorch on this planet. Why do we even let them live?). I can count the number of days I felt like sleeping in a damn oven on one hand, which is a vast improved over the summer of 2014 and 2015 so definitely a win. Yes, I will fight you on this. (also, I just bet that it will still be the hottest summer ever recorded in Berlin, just like every summer since like 2007 or something. But sure, climate change is a hoax, amirite?)

But yay, fall! Fall is finally upon us! Hopefully not like last year, when we suddenly had four weeks of damn hot temperatures in September and instead gradually easing us into October and November (which, according to the NOAA, is already supposed to be warmer than average. I hate warm Novembers. Warm Novembers need to fucking die) and making for some really nice days before winter (which I also love but every winter is the warmest winter ever being recorded here since like 2006 or 2007, and there is almost nothing that I abhor more than warm winters. This is Berlin, this is practically Russia (if Hollywood movies are to be believed *rolls eyes), winters are supposed to be fucking freezing here, not 15°C in December).

Other than that, nothing new under the sun. How are you?

same old same old, random, weather

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