Oh good.

May 02, 2017 02:43

I just signed up for het_bigbang with a Lorne/Cadman Wild West AU that goes by the working title of

Let Me Drown In Your Laughter (Let Me Die In Your Arms)

and as of yet has no real plot to speak of yet. I just know that it takes place in 1868, somewhere in Colorado (preferrably where Colorado Springs is today but yeah, doesn't look like they had any notable permanent or even semi-permanent military installations there back then, so location might change yet), that Lorne is a cavalry officer (come on, we all know he'd fucking rock that Stetson. And I just bet he'd look smashing while dashing into battle on a horse, his saber drawn, etc., etc.) with battle scars and Cadman is a girl with A Past who lives and works on a ranch and they have met before. And that's... it.

So expect more bitching and moaning until August 26th, which is this year's deadline. Ack.

(biggest problem for now? Figuring out their backstory and the logistics of how to get a Californian West Point graduate cavalry officer to meet a Chicago not quite but almost on the shelf girl about to engage herself to I have no idea yet whom. Ugh. And here I kept wishing for inspiration to get back into writing. Serves me right.)

fandom: stargate, what i don't even, big bang big frenzy, fannish stuff, plot bunnies

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