Let's do some memeing!

Aug 10, 2016 00:39

First off: Mom and I have been back in Berlin since Friday night, while Dad had to stay behind in the hospital. Apparently, he's been steadily getting better since the antibiotics kicked fully in and there's talk of him coming home tomorrow or Thursday. Here's to hoping that it'll all be okay in the end ( Read more... )

hypochondria, big pile of squee, run girl run, fannish stuff, family affairs, we're all lemmings

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gelbes_gilatier August 11 2016, 16:52:08 UTC
I should be editting my thesis but by now, I really hate editting my thesis, so naturally, I'm doing anything but. Here goes nothing ;)

1) is there a story you’re holding off on writing for some reason?

Mmmh, not necessarily writing but definitely publishing. I have a couple Off the Record stories for Minor Characters that are done, also some Protect and Survive stories that are done but not published. Most of them aren't published yet because they are either very spoilery for the 'verses or because I'd like to keep to some chronological order in my publishing.

3) what order do you write in? front of book to back? chronological? favorite scenes first? something else?

In multi-chapters, I try to write front to back in chronological order of scenes but sometimes, when the current chapter frustrates me to no end and I realize that it's giving me writer's block, I abandon that and go to write a scene I know I'm going to enjoy writing. Usually, I don't write that scene out but put down the dialogue for it and keep it at the end of the document, to get back to it when it's time for it.

In one-shot series, I write out of chronological order and indeed go for favorite scenes/stories but try to keep posting in chronological order.

5) character you were most surprised to end up writing

For canon characters, definitely Rodney McKay. Long time friends will know just how much I hate that guy and how much I hate writing him (for entirely different reasons, though. I can't stand the characters because I find him obnoxious, self-absorbed and unbearingly arrogant. I hate writing him because it's so fucking hard to write him in-character without slipping into character bashing (which I can't stand, either) and because writing him in-character means that despite all the arrogance, delusion of grandeur and lacking social skills, there need to be glimpses of humility and insecurity in his POV because I'm convinced that part of Rodney's behaviour is due to being a pretty insecure guy deep down, trying to cover it up with being an asshole most of the time), and ending up doing it anyway because it was the best thing to do for the story was really surprising to me.

For OCs, definitely McSmartypants. MSP and I have basically nothing in common, and I'm still surprised that I manage to write him, anyway.

7) when asked, are you embarrassed or enthusiastic to tell people that you write?

Depends on who's asking but by now, I'm comfortable with myself and with who I am enough to care more about talking about writing than about what other people think about me. I love talking about writing, and I actually wish there were more people asking me about it.

9) what, if anything, do you do for inspiration?

Not much, as I very seldom actively seek inspiration. If I do, I usually go back to watching episodes of the fandom I'm writing in and try to find music fitting the fandom/characters/plotline I have in mind. Usually, it's more the other way around, i.e. I get accidentally inspired by an episode I watched or a song I heard or a book I read and then start writing.


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