I will never ever complain about a boring life again. NEVER.

Aug 01, 2016 23:32

I know I said I'll be off the internet for two weeks but my uncle arrive here and graciously let me into his mobile wi fi. The reason why we're still here instead of being at the other uncle's house is the reason why I will never complain about a boring life, ever again: Dad's in the hospital.

It started on Thursday night. Mom and I thought it was just a cold (Dad tends to have pretty hefty colds but he recovers pretty fast) and he seemed to be better on Friday and Saturday but when we drove to the next village, he did something he'd never done before: he veered off course and nearly put the car in a ditch. Then, late at night, Mom saw that his left leg had turned an angry shade of red from the ankle to knee and freaked out. Dad was really pissed when she said she wanted to call 112 (Germany's 911) but I saw the leg, too, put my foot down and called emergency services. They sent a doctor and an hour later, she was here and examined him. She said it was erysipelas and there even might be deep vein thrombosis in the leg and she wanted to send him to the hospital. He was against it but I told him in no uncertain terms that he really didn't want to have an embolism and in the end, he consented.

So off he went and Mom and I were left to ourselves. An hour later, Mom phoned the hospital and they told us that he ran a fever of about 39.8°C (103F) when he was admitted and was put on intravenous antibiotics right away (but apparently, was still pretty lucid O_o). We phoned again in the morning and they told us that the fever was down and he asked them to tell us to call my uncle which we found really weird (since we thought my uncle was still on vacation). Turned out, my uncle was back and was supposed to come to the house (we're in his house at the moment) on Monday. Apparently, Dad knew all that and remembered it absolutely correctly. He also took the car keys with him when they took him to the hospital which we took as a sign that he wasn't as lucid as we thought but it turned out that he was afraid that I might get over my hate for driving, after all and take the car to the hospital either that same night or in the morning and guys... I really hate driving (more than I hate running), I haven't done it ever since I got my licence six years ago and I still contemplated, at least for a moment, doing exactly that. I didn't even tell my dad and he still apparently knew me well enough to take care that I wouldn't do something really, really stupid :S

Anyway, we went to see him on Sunday (which was a real pain in the ass because aside from a really expensive tourist light railway, nothing runs here on Sunday, and as I mentioned, putting me behind a wheel would be a really stupid idea) and he was kinda closelipped, and lying on his side and because it was the weekend, we couldn't talk to a doctor. He was lucid, which was good, but not really up for company, which had me worried. So we went back again today and he was fully awake, alert and lucid today but the leg still looked really ugly red and everything :S We could talk to his doctor and she didn't want to make any definite statements but apparently, his bloodwork looked a little better because the inflammation levels were down but they had to up the antibiotics dose and he had a fever in the morning again. She said he had to stay at least until the end of the week and she could make any definite statements on Thursday at the earliest.

Guys. That night was one of the worst nights of my life and despite Dad looking a little better, I'm still really worried about him and I'm kinda scared of the "But he was okay yesterday!!!" effect (courtesy of too many episodes of Gray's Anatomy, I'd say). I tried to keep it together as long as I could for Mom but as soon as they'd taken Dad away, I broke down crying and I thought I had it back together yesterday but at some point in the evening I heard myself say "I'm so sorry, Mom, and you know I really, really love you but I'm such a daddy's girl and seeing him like that really did something to me. He has always been my dad who knew everything and could do everything and he looked so frail on Saturday and I'm so afraid of what's going to happen." and broke down crying again and I'm really so sorry because Mom loves all of us unconditionally and I really do love my mom but my dad's just someone... special for me. I wasn't even really aware of that until Saturday and it just kinda totally threw me off course. I knew he was having problems with his hip and his skin but nothing like that. He's 66, a really big imposing man who gives off an air of being affable and being in control, you know, a kind of "fixer" type and suddenly, he looks like a frail old man, shaking on his feet and being so fucking scared of having to go the hospital (because he's really, really scared of MRSA infections) that he tried forbidding us from calling emergency services despite running a fever and everything and that just... that was still my dad but not the way I'm used to seeing him. I'm so scared of this getting worse again, fuck :S

So yeah. I will never complain about my life being boring, never again. I'd take a boring life about this any day.

hypochondria, crazy hazy hue, vacations, parallel universe, family affairs

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