Hausarbeit fressen Leben auf. And it's all my fault.

Feb 20, 2016 03:10

Sorry for being absent again but my laziness caught up with me again. Basically, after procrastinating this one last paper before my thesis for ages - and thus being the sole person responsible for having to do this cramming thing myself - and then when I'd just started getting into it getting a cold and strep throat and conjunctivitis (which BTW were beaten into submission by the antibiotics. I already dread the post-antibiotics age we're all sliding into head on... oh, wait, I already said that in my last post. Well, it does bear repeating, so there), I had to pour the last one and a half weeks into hacking it into my laptop.

So I dragged myself to the library every fucking day this week and lo and behold, 25 pages (academic, meaning 1 1/2 spaced lines, so not really 25 pages) went into the laptop. I'm not convinced by their actual content (something about female veterans and social (in)visibility and well, did I mention that I'm not convinced?) but yay, I'm done. I mean, I'm done with the rough draft. Need to do the finecombing tomorrow but yay, no more library.

I mean, I love libraries, everyone should love libraries but this one is err... special. It's like traveling back into the 70s, including pea-soup green carpet. Absolutely fucking everywhere. Sure, it looks cool in pictures but seriously, the carpetting is hideous and the air is bone dry (which is totally great for the books but horrible for everyone else) and there are people everywhere and if you aren't there like an hour before opening all the good tables are gone and anyway, no more library for the next week or so \o/

The paper... eh. I'd wanted to write it about female German veterans and a comparison with the situation of female US veterans but my preliminary researched revealed that there is no data. None. Nada. Zilch. No one ever researched female German veterans before so: no data, no analysis, no nothing. So I rethought my approach to "something about social (in)visibility with veterans" and you know what? This is the first time ever that I actually had to write an academically appropriate version of "We. Just. Don't. Know." in a conclusion. Because we just don't know anything about female German veterans. Let's all hope my supervisor (who's also my master's thesis's supervisor...) doesn't get any ideas (mostly those that involve the letters P, h and D because I will not get one. Out of the question.) and takes my "more research is needed" suggestion serious.

Aside from that... nothing really new. I did try this cooking thing again and it worked out reasonably well (frozen chopped lamb? Never. Again. There was so much water in it that the burger patties I made shrivelled down to like a third of their size or something in the pan. Let's not ever do that again. But oh, my caramellized onions to top the burgers were really good, so there's hope yet) so yeah, guess I'll keep practicising. I also bought a new cookbook to reward myself for the finished paper. Yes, I am that shallow. I can only finish academic stuff if I look for something to reward myself with at the end, and rewarding myself usually means buying something I don't need but really, really want.

So, guys, what have you been up to lately? This entry's been a little all over the place because apparently, hacking 25 pages of academic stuff into a laptop in the space of ten days takes an intellectual toll on one after all. Also, I'm streaming Dance Academy on the TV and oh my God, all the wonderful teen bunhead drama and angst is also messing with me and really, I'll go to bed now. I swear.

om nom nom, wonderful world of academia, crazy hazy hue

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