No, no, never Ms. Nice Girl.

Nov 05, 2013 12:14

Isn't it awesome that when you post a link of something you find problematic and people come crawling out of the woodwork to tell you that there is nothing problematic about an editorial in a technology magazine that tells us women that we have no right to stare at our iPhones and Samsung Galaxys on trains if there's a guy sitting opposite us who wants to ogle us (I'm talking about this little piece of shit)? Isn't it awesome when they tell you that there is nothing sexist about expecting women to be at creepy guys' beck and call in the subway? Isn't it awesome when they're telling you that this kind of article has nothing to do with a system that still believes women have to be available for men whenever the boys so desire?

And isn't it awesome when they're expecting you to sit back and be civil about it when they're telling you you're imagening it? And when they're trying to make it all about themselves because they feel so hurt because "not all men are like this"? Isn't it awesome when you tell them you're fed up with society expecting women to be good girls and sit back and let themselves be insulted by pieces of crap like that, they just tell you to "be civil"? Isn't it, though?

Oh God, guys, I am just so tired of always being belittled for pointing out sexist bullshit and I'm tired of people thinking I have an obligation to discuss problematic content in a manner that doesn't make them uncomformtable and I'm tired of the men in my circle of friends being butthurt when you push the sexist bullshit that their fellow men produce into their faces. I'm tired of people expecting me to be a good girl and I'm tired of people telling me to "let it go" and I'm tired of people telling me that "this gender crap is over, really" and people wanting to shut me up with telling me that they think that "sexism is over" or that "there is no more sexism" and I'm tired of people telling me that I'm blowing issues out of proportion and I'm tired of people telling me that I "should give it a rest".

I am so fucking tired of this and I will continue to tell you so. I am tired of your bullshit and I will continue to tell you so. I am tired of being told I have to be "nice" and I will continue to tell you so. I will continue to make you uncomfortable and I will continue to call you out on your crap and I will be anything but nice about it. You can count on it.

nothing but trouble, what i don't even, feminist soapbox

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