Why yes, I'm still studying for a Master's Degree.

Sep 03, 2013 18:08

Seeing as I have about a month left until the new semester starts (and 1 1/2 until uni starts) I decided to use my left over leave days and do some of that studying thing I haven't been doing for two months now (ie. not go to work until the end of September but I have to negotiate with the guy who keeps tracks of my work hours and stuff at our accountant office because apparently, I have 6 days leave but would need 9 for all of September). I need to finish a five page essay on soldier narratives and authenticity (one paragraph shy of three pages yet, go me), still the 20 pages paper on female soldiers and pop culture (done 20 pages but unfortunately, there's still a third of the actual contents missing. Oops.) and ten (five?) pages book review on Packing for Mars that I'd totally forgotten about until three or so weeks ago and that I haven't even started.

Seeing as four weeks should be enough time to complete everything (I'm thinking three days for each of the short papers and two weeks for the long paper should be sufficient. Currently, I'm at day two for the narratives paper and so far it's looking good) if I can just keep up kind of a steady space, I decided to reward myself with a Redbubble shirt (I was thinking this one as a zipper hoodie. Or maybe this one. Or this. Dammit.) if I really manage to complete everything by the end of September.

So... wish me luck!

shopping, for science!

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