Guess what?

Sep 01, 2013 00:40

It's September 1st and that means... it is finally fall! Let's just forget that this also means the year is almost over again and how the hell did that happen?

It's time for hoodies and colorful leaves and rainy Saturday afternoons that I can spend on the couch doing nothing and storms and papers that still haven't been finished despite only one month left until I have to turn them in!

Alright so apparently "summer isn't fully done yet" (every stupid weather person in this country with their stupid cheerful grin and their hopeful voice why is it that the media never, never, never cheer the way for fall that they cheer for summer? Huh? Huh?) but it's only a question of a couple of weeks and it'll be done and the leaves will be turning yellow and red and orange (I think I saw the first trees starting to turn their leaves yellow already) and the chestnuts and acorns will be ripe and reading on the couch or in bed will be accompanied by the pattering of raindrops against my window. Seriously, how anyone can hate fall is very much beyond me.

Okay, so the little outdoors action club my sisters, friends of my youngest sister and I seem to have accidentally founded (we went paddling this summer and to Tempelhof Airport when it rained heavily and today we went to a high ropes course which was erm... interesting if you suffer from vertigo, like me. We might also do paintball/gotcha soon but we're not sure yet) will have to start looking for alternatives for the cold season soon but then again... we grew pretty good at movies nights and chocolate testing and cookie baking and eating out so... I'm sure we'll find enough stuff to keep us occupied.


Faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaall is finally upon us and I'm gonna enjoy the hell out of it! Who's with me?

big pile of squee, weather, run girl run

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