Okay, okay, I did it on tumblr, I'm gonna do it here as well.

Jul 06, 2013 01:23

Comment ficathon. Because I'm bored and I'm desperate to get back into writing and nothing gets you better back into writing than to write. So drop me a prompt in the comments and I'll see if I can produce a couple paragraphs (as many as the comments maximum word count allows ;)) fic for it. Het and gen are cool, slash is not (by which I mean that I don't write it, not that I have issues with other people writing or reading it. It's just not something you'll get from me). Fandoms I can do include:
Plus anything else I have written stuff for that's achieved on here. So... prompt away :D

Stargate: Atlantis
Star Wars
Harry Potter
Star Trek: Enterprise
Iron Man
The Avengers
Warehouse 13
Generation Kill
Downton Abbey
Last Resort
Army Wives
Crossovers are cool, too

PS.: You know, guys, if you wanna take any prompts posted in the comments, that's cool, too. And if you wanna write something for me, great! It's even snurchable ;)

PPS.: What's with the shitty spacing in posts with bullet points all of a sudden, LJ? Am I the only one with that kind of issue? Anyone else here?

fandom: stargate, fandom: star trek, fandom: generation kill, fandom: star wars, fandom: downton abbey, fandom: iron man, fandom: the avengers, plot bunnies, fandom: last resort, fandom: warehouse 13, fandom: harry potter, fandom: halo, fandom: army wives, fandom: leverage, we're all lemmings

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