Fic: Minor Characters I: Odd Man Out (10/19)

Feb 15, 2013 01:35

Title: Minor Characters I: Odd Man Out (10/19)
Fandom: Stargate
Rating: T
Genres: action/adventure
Summary: Everyone knows SG1... but what about the other teams on the roster? Here's one of them. Meet Major Thomas Moore, Captain Laura Greenspan, Lieutenant Maureen Reece and Master Sergeant Simon DeLisle - also known as SG10 - and accompany them on the mission that made them a team.
A/N: Is it just me or is LJ getting shittier with every "update" and "fix" they're introducing? I just had to use AO3 as a work around because apparently, the switch to the new editor completely broke LJ's capabilities to work with text pasted from Word. GAH!

( Odd Man Out 1/19 )

( Odd Man Out 2/19 )

( Odd Man Out 3/19 )

( Odd Man Out 4/19 )

( Odd Man Out 5/19 )

( Odd Man Out 6/19 )

( Odd Man Out 7/19 )

( Odd Man Out 8/19 )

( Odd Man Out 9/19 )

Chapter Ten


If one of those guys ever lays hand on me… on this body again I swear I’m gonna kill him. Oh, and I’m gonna kill Reece for those… things on her chest. They unbalance the entire body, and obviously all the guys seem to like them especially when “searching” me. Honestly, how can she live with those things, not to mention fight with them? How can any woman live with them? Some day, you know, some day I really need to ask Laura about that.

But not now. I’m positive we’re being monitored, so I still have to keep up the act. I hunch over on the bed and say, “Captain…” Laura turns to me.

“What is it, Lieutenant?” Hm, that really feels strange. Not being called “Tom”. Being called “Lieutenant”. It’s been… years since anyone called me Lieutenant.

“Do you think we’ll get out of here soon?” I’m amazed. Part of the anxiety and uncertainty in my voice is real, because I absolutely want to get out of here. I want to talk to Reece about our strategy. I want to talk to Laura about… the things. I want to talk about Dee about the possibilities he sees to sabotage any bombs. Or, in a nutshell: I want to be me again.

“Hard to say. I guess they’ll need some time to verify all of our stuff. But don’t worry. We’ve still got our fearless leader.” She says it with a certain amount if sarcasm I’m not really familiar with, and I wonder automatically if that’s how she’s talking about me when being alone with Reece. I mean, with the real Reece.

“Yeah. Ma’am… I wonder if there are any other women around here.”

She cocks an eyebrow, and says, “Me, too. But the way they handled us…” She doesn’t finish the sentence, but we both know what she means. Those guys seriously need to get laid. But definitely not by me, if I have a say in it. I stop. Yeah. But I might not get any say… Involuntarily I look down.

Laura seems to have sensed my discomfort somehow. Or maybe she’s had had the same thoughts, because she says, “The Major will make sure nothing happens, Reece. I really don’t think he’ll want to see any of his team members be manhandled in any way.” I nod. If I was in Reece’s stead I really wouldn’t want to see my own body getting mauled in any way, either. Come to think of it, she better be careful with my body. God, I really need to talk to her.


When I saw him look down at his female form I could almost hear his thoughts. Because they were positively very similar to my own. Don’t get me wrong: I know that women in war operations have to be careful in a totally different dimension than men, and I’ve had my share of potentially dangerous situations in combat and in training. But this…. This somehow feels different. Maybe because I now not only have to look out for myself but for Tom - who very obviously hasn’t yet been able to adapt to a female body - as well.

I take a look around, assessing the situation another time, but before I can try and talk to Tom a little more, the door is opened again. Unconsciously I straighten up, immediately being at guard and ready to defend myself. But it’s just some soldier with a tray of food. And the leader guy again. Usually I’d now have let Tom handle the situation, but I suddenly remember that at the moment I’m the ranking officer here. I address the leader, “Sir, permission to ask something?”

He arches an eyebrow in amusement, then says, “Sure. Fire away, Captain.” The soldier who accompanied him barks out a short laugh. Obviously he and his leader just shared some secret joke. As if I care.

“How long will you keep us separated? Because, honestly, I don’t see any real reason for doing it.” Of course I do. I’d do the same, if I was them. Keep the potential threat separated, and you limit their chances of being able to stage something. But I want him to believe me dumber than I am. Better an enemy that underestimates you than one that overestimates you.

And it fully works. Could have told you that long ago. The “clueless female officer” trick always works with people like that bastard. “You already missing your male comrades? That’s sweet somehow.” Sweet, my ass. Just wait until I get a hand on your bio-weapons, darling.

I just shrug. “Missing them? No. Just being concerned about their male pride is all. They don’t like it when someone might have improper thoughts about us. Men.” I even roll my eyes. And, okay, part of that I really mean. Usually, I can take care of myself, and I’m pretty sure, if the shit hits the fan, Reece knows how to do it as well. Even if Tom doesn’t think we can.

“Oh, if it’s like that… Maybe I can do something for those poor boys next door. But now… enjoy the meal, ladies.” He gives us both another mock bow and then he and the other soldier are out of the room again.

For the fraction of a second, Tom gives me a glare that says very clearly “Being concerned about my male pride? Wait until we’re out of here and I’m in my own body again,” but I just say, “Well… let’s see if their food is as bad as their manners.”

stargate: minor characters, fannish stuff

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