Due to
0_noctifer_0's awesome fall friending mems, there's been a most recent influx of people and before that a few had trickled in due to fandom connection (I still love you, Clintasha fandom but Jesus Christ, you totally overwhelm me with ALL THE WONDERFUL FIC!) so I thought "Why not make a little "by the way, this is me, guys" post?" so here it is.
I'm a female Berliner (born and raised, baby!) that turned 30 this year (I actually had a kind of quarterlife crisis about that. Let's not talk about that. Ever.) and just started a Masters degree this month after having worked seven years (as a electoral office person for a Bundestag representative and in a crappy low wage job in costumer support).
If anyone would like about what kind of a degree it is, just ask in the comments and I'll PM you since it exists at exactly one German university. All I'll say is that it's a combination of specialized history and sociology, with a bit of politics thrown in for good measure.
Anyway, my life's been pretty uneventful up to now. I graduated from high school in 2001, was an officer's candidate (Offizieranwärter) in the German Armed Forces (Army) for six months before the Army decided I wasn't fit for what I aspired to be and threw me out. I went on to study at a civilian university in central Germany, majoring in social science and literature and graduated in 2005 with a Bachelors.
I then went on to work for a representative in the German national parliament, the Bundestag as electoral office manager (Wahlkreismitarbeiterin) for four years and honestly was glad when that was done. A year of being unemployed followed, then two years of low wage employment in customer support and boy am I glad that that's over. Since the beginning of October, yep, Masters. I'm still in the process of adapting to my new status but so far, I AM SO LOVING IT!
As for me... I love sociology (the micro kind like communication sociology, gender studies, that kinda thing), feminism, science fiction, TV shows (most of the ones that I like are in my interests section in the profile), shipping (mostly het, very few femslash stories, practically no slash apart from a few exceptions), fanfiction (writing and reading), fangirling, all kinds of meta (both on fandoms and fandom on its own), chocolate, baking, books (romance novels, fantasy, science fiction, a bit of crime and shit load of military history and sociology non-fiction), social networks, knitting, tea and a hundred other things I can't remember right now. I like combining my love for sociology and research with my popculture and TV obsession because guys, they are made for each other and I will forever be grateful to my literature lecturers for teaching me how to read (which in turn, taught me how to write). Also, apparently I like parenthesis as well. Dearly.
I'm allergic to sexism in all its forms and people that are prone to it get regularly kicked in the ass (and other parts, too... figuratively). Racism is another issue that I just can't keep quiet on. Injustice in general is something that makes me furious and I still haven't learned how to keep my trap shut when I encounter it. Not sure if that's a good thing.
I started blogging at LJ because a friend,
koboldmaki, suggested coming over from Xanga and I haven't ever regretted it. I love the dynamics of LJ, the ranting and the passionate discussions about all kinds of things here. I'd intended to use LJ mostly for fanfic and book reviews but it's come to be kind of a virtual home, with all the wonderful fandom communities and the people populating LJ. I have met some truly awesome people over the years (it's been almost seven, holy shit), I have seen some awesome art and read a lot of awesome fanfic and I hope to continue that :D
Hope you're not disappointed now and that I'll see you around here more often :)